叹秦琼,大隋朝,家贫穷,年纪小,当差捕捉心思巧。 英雄冤屈为强盗,官长严刑实难熬,内堂且喜姑娘好, 到后来凌烟高阁,画图容,汗马功劳。 叹方卿,大明朝,家计贫,年纪小,多才入泮游痒早, 赃官冒逼坟粮事,亲戚远投路途遥,园中偏遇姑娘刁, 到后来扬眉吐气,方知晓是势利的功劳,势利的功劳。 Sigh for Qin Qiong, at the Sui dynasty, poor, young and captured by the official servant. With grievances wronged as robber, under cruel torture that was hard to bear, at the cella I was held. Later on at Lingyan Tower, drawing pictures, making distinct accomplishments. Sigh for Fang Qing, at the Ming dynasty, with poor family, young, versatile before entering school. Wronged by corruptive official for grave grain issue, travelling far away to relatives, but meeting Miss obstinate in the garden. Eventually, elated upon fulfillment, then I know the credit of the snobbish, the credit of the snobbish.
叹秦琼,大隋朝,家贫穷,年纪小,当差捕捉心思巧。 英雄冤屈为强盗,官长严刑实难熬,内堂且喜姑娘好, 到后来凌烟高阁,画图容,汗马功劳。 叹方卿,大明朝,家计贫,年纪小,多才入泮游痒早, 赃官冒逼坟粮事,亲戚远投路途遥,园中偏遇姑娘刁, 到后来扬眉吐气,方知晓是势利的功劳,势利的功劳。 Sigh for Qin Qiong, at the Sui dynasty, poor, young and captured by the official servant. With grievances wronged as robber, under cruel torture that was hard to bear, at the cella I was held. Later on at Lingyan Tower, drawing pictures, making distinct accomplishments. Sigh for Fang Qing, at the Ming dynasty, with poor family, young, versatile before entering school. Wronged by corruptive official for grave grain issue, travelling far away to relatives, but meeting Miss obstinate in the garden. Eventually, elated upon fulfillment, then I know the credit of the snobbish, the credit of the snobbish.