Haojiejie, selected from “A Garden Stroll” from The Peony Pavilion (唱)遍青山,啼红了杜鹃, 那荼蘼外烟丝醉软。 那牡丹虽好,他春归怎占的先。 闲凝眄,(呃)生生燕语明如翦, 听呖呖莺声溜的圆。 (Sing) On Verdant Hill, the azaleas bloom blood-red, and beyond the reeds, misty tendrils softly curl. Though the peony is lovely, when spring passes, why must she wither first? I gaze far away, listening to the swallows’ cries, crisp and clear, and the warbler’s song, its round, lingering tone.
Haojiejie, selected from “A Garden Stroll” from The Peony Pavilion (唱)遍青山,啼红了杜鹃, 那荼蘼外烟丝醉软。 那牡丹虽好,他春归怎占的先。 闲凝眄,(呃)生生燕语明如翦, 听呖呖莺声溜的圆。 (Sing) On Verdant Hill, the azaleas bloom blood-red, and beyond the reeds, misty tendrils softly curl. Though the peony is lovely, when spring passes, why must she wither first? I gaze far away, listening to the swallows’ cries, crisp and clear, and the warbler’s song, its round, lingering tone.