我不想工作 I don’t want to go to work 也没有人借钱 and nobody wants to spot me 没人跟我玩 no one to hang out with 也没人约我吃饭 or ask me out for a dinner
我不会跳舞 I don’t know how to dance 也不会抽烟 or smoke like a pro 我想玩乐队 I want to join a band 可我只会按三和弦 but three chords are all that I know
但我还好有你这个朋友 luckily, I still have you my friend 虽然我不舍得给你花钱 even I don’t want to pay the bill for you 但我会祝你生日快乐 I still wish you a happy birthday 热爱生活顺便热爱我 love your life and me too by the way
嘴里说着冒险 claiming to take any risk 哪有什么危险 but nothing is truly dangerous 想做个朋克青年 I dream of living a punk 又害怕惹麻烦 but I’m afraid of getting into any trouble
我不想工作 I don’t want to go to work 也没有人借钱 and nobody wants to spot me 没人跟我玩 no one to hang out with 也没人约我吃饭 or ask me out for a dinner
我不会跳舞 I don’t know how to dance 也不会抽烟 or smoke like a pro 我想玩乐队 I want to join a band 可我只会按三和弦 but three chords are all that I know
但我还好有你这个朋友 luckily, I still have you my friend 虽然我不舍得给你花钱 even I don’t want to pay the bill for you 但我会祝你生日快乐 I still wish you a happy birthday 热爱生活顺便热爱我 love your life and me too by the way
嘴里说着冒险 claiming to take any risk 哪有什么危险 but nothing is truly dangerous 想做个朋克青年 I dream of living a punk 又害怕惹麻烦 but I’m afraid of getting into any trouble