你光芒万丈 how radiant and how bright 世人都对你着迷 such a stunner to everyone’s eyes 只有我知道 but how rare it might be 你心底的秘密 the dark side of you is known to me 你外表美丽 as you are sheen and fair 见到你的人垂涎欲滴 who sees you will covet for sure 渴望你靠近 they all want you to be closer 而我此刻就在看着你 while I’ll watch you from here 我是一把生锈的刀 I’m a dagger, frail and rusty 没有人会在意 taken care of by nobody 但我在黑暗中 but out from the dark 刺进了你的心 I thrust into your heart 我是一把生锈的刀 I’m a dagger, rusty and dull 丢弃在角落里 deserted and covered with dust 是谁把我捡起 who would pick me up 刺进了你的心 and stab deep into your heart 人群中的我和你 you and I, we are drowned 迎接不一样的眼睛 in various eyes from the crowd 等到人群散去 wait until the tide dies down 我们再交换身体 let’s have our bodies swap around
你光芒万丈 how radiant and how bright 世人都对你着迷 such a stunner to everyone’s eyes 只有我知道 but how rare it might be 你心底的秘密 the dark side of you is known to me 你外表美丽 as you are sheen and fair 见到你的人垂涎欲滴 who sees you will covet for sure 渴望你靠近 they all want you to be closer 而我此刻就在看着你 while I’ll watch you from here 我是一把生锈的刀 I’m a dagger, frail and rusty 没有人会在意 taken care of by nobody 但我在黑暗中 but out from the dark 刺进了你的心 I thrust into your heart 我是一把生锈的刀 I’m a dagger, rusty and dull 丢弃在角落里 deserted and covered with dust 是谁把我捡起 who would pick me up 刺进了你的心 and stab deep into your heart 人群中的我和你 you and I, we are drowned 迎接不一样的眼睛 in various eyes from the crowd 等到人群散去 wait until the tide dies down 我们再交换身体 let’s have our bodies swap around