新鲜感一周后耗尽 a week is all it must take 冷空气开始入侵 for the rising heat to freeze 没有多余的问句 no more question asked 只有你胆小的眼睛 only your timid eyes await 当扣子不再是秘密 roughly we unbox each other 解开也没有了惊喜 a routine, no secrets uncovered 拿什么去挽救我们 love is doomed to fade 这不停消解的爱意 long before we try to save 我窥探你的秘密 I pry into your deepest mind 我挥舞你的软肋 with your weakness I can thrive 我珍惜你的方式 the only way I will have you treasured 就是拼命去浪费 is to squander myself like one possessed 所有梦里的风 dreams full of gale 吹着夜里的雨 nights soaked in rain 只有清醒的月亮 the moon is on its lonely watch 照着迷醉的人群 for those who rejoice non-stop 就让我透支今天 today begins my revel 就让我透支明天 tomorrow ends my remorse 透支一个又一个 all the pledges at my disposal 自相矛盾的誓言 paradoxical, yet never enough 别为那以后担忧 spare the oncoming angst 长久是一种诅咒 for being forever is a curse 快跟我下地狱 just come to me, to the hell 再他妈一起厮守 where we’ll tangle like nuts in a shell
新鲜感一周后耗尽 a week is all it must take 冷空气开始入侵 for the rising heat to freeze 没有多余的问句 no more question asked 只有你胆小的眼睛 only your timid eyes await 当扣子不再是秘密 roughly we unbox each other 解开也没有了惊喜 a routine, no secrets uncovered 拿什么去挽救我们 love is doomed to fade 这不停消解的爱意 long before we try to save 我窥探你的秘密 I pry into your deepest mind 我挥舞你的软肋 with your weakness I can thrive 我珍惜你的方式 the only way I will have you treasured 就是拼命去浪费 is to squander myself like one possessed 所有梦里的风 dreams full of gale 吹着夜里的雨 nights soaked in rain 只有清醒的月亮 the moon is on its lonely watch 照着迷醉的人群 for those who rejoice non-stop 就让我透支今天 today begins my revel 就让我透支明天 tomorrow ends my remorse 透支一个又一个 all the pledges at my disposal 自相矛盾的誓言 paradoxical, yet never enough 别为那以后担忧 spare the oncoming angst 长久是一种诅咒 for being forever is a curse 快跟我下地狱 just come to me, to the hell 再他妈一起厮守 where we’ll tangle like nuts in a shell