1煦风染细浪 Mellow Alize
2柔灯轻漾时 Lumidouce's Repose
3醵饮同欢 Toast to Coast
4枯柳的幽绪 Willow of Sorrow
5湖色的重光 Loch's Revitalization
6泉栖谷隐 Neath the Fountain
7白晓的轻雾 Les fumees blanches
8深塔萦梦 Songe de la plus haute tour
9欢荣的奇秘 Magick Without Tears
10失迷的影事 Veiled in Shadows
11涸浊的花迹 Narcissus Without Water
12秘仪与律法 Ordeals, Rituals, Laws
13昔古的空响 Lonely Melody of Yore
14原海的怜恕 La mer, la mere
15举杯吧,旅人已至! Les voici ! Voici le duo !
16陌路新交 Incontro꞉ Bellezza e Rosula
17避影匿光 Beneath Light and Shadow
18终临的殛罚 Retribution, Served Cold
19危迫之刻 La derniere opportunite
20顺默者的离索 Les muets
21逆与正的秩位 L'envers et l'endroit
22旧世遗谶 Prophetie of Predestination
23终幕的序曲 Le commencement de la fin
24如愿所成 Comme il vous plaira
25罪人的最后一舞 The Last Rose of the Sinner
26喝彩吧,谢幕之时已至 Crepuscule des idoles
27如涓的忆恋 Clio's Memoirs
28特尔克西的轻语 Thelxie's Murmurs
29虹色的摇篮曲 Rainbow Cradlesong
30珊瑚的加冕礼 Coral Coronation
31梦的后日谈 Dream Anamnesis
32水仙十字安眠曲 A Narcissus Lullaby
33发条的舞曲 Clockwork Waltz
34齿轮的王国 The Rotating Realm
35禁锢的劳作 Welcome to the Industry
36刺拳如毒蜂! Sting Like a Bee!
37水下的公爵 Le duc sous l'eau
38晶蓝的帘幕 Crystal Curtains
39沉没的异乡 Submerged Meditation
40无言的鲸歌 Whale's Whisper
41森严之地 No Trespassing
42炉渣之路 Restoration Through Labor
43应得之旅 To Each What He Deserves
44求索的残歌 Rhythm of Inquiry
45晶辉隐幽 Crystalline Path
46深默的折光 Refractions of Silence
47新的希望 Un nouvel espoir
48失误的喜剧 Comedy of Errors
49牧歌的旧梦 The Faded Idyll
50企望的流音 Resonance of Longing
51林荫与泉流 The Drifting Beauty
52精灵隐没之地 Huldra's Retreat
53白露的往迹 Vestige of Belleau
54轻语如露 Whispering Dewdrops
55好梦,枫丹 A Sweet Dream in Fontaine
56月夜的轻潮 Moonlit Tides
57沉睡的柔波 Sink Into Slumber
58安眠的曲调 Floating Lullaby
59淡月之舞 Gymnopedies of Lune
60蔚蓝一梦 Par les soirs bleus d'ete
61水照云光 Les rivieres aeriennes
62苍色的极望 Aloft the Realm of Gears
63未竟之诗 Truncated Verse
64暮夜与遗忘 Les tenebres et l'oubli
65久旷的弦音 Chordal Past
66潜深伏隩 Le secret cache
67万象裁灭之刻 Eschatologia Iudicata
68灾蚀的痕影 Silhouette of Catastrophe
原神-灼火之心 Blazing Heart
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
1Blazing Heart (伴奏)
2众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
3随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
4奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
5铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
6为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
7灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
8幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
9一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
10沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation