1流光的箴训 Prismatic Proverbs
2灵与沙的密谕 Soothing of Soul and Sand
3镜中日暖 Springtime in a Mirror
4夜诞的花冠 Night's Crown of Flowers
5瞢暗的一极 A Fragment of Night
6如歌的秘数 Choir's Cypher
7烟漫露结 Where the Mists Enshroud
8千载云已去 Cloud of Thirteen Katuns
9木樨旁的旧忆 Tanyolche's Memories
10游转的曙色 Touring the Dawn
11悬风于心 Hanging in the Heart of the Wind
12铃鼓随花 Bells in Bloom
13芦笛的彼方 Beyond the Flute's Whispers
14霜空曜明 Frosted Hue of Stars
15祭星者的梦语 Starcaller's Wishes
16暮深天静 Hushed Canopy of Night
17故年往迹 Once Upon a Time in the Vale
18瞑色的归途 Homeward Bound
19芳草染夕烟 Malinalco's Dusk
20山鸣谷应 Mountain's Hymn
21鹿纵踏舞 Dance of the Brown Deer
22风止水忘时 When the Breeze Ceases
23浮梦终作雨 Rain of an Ancient Dream
24舒翼乘云 All the Pretty Courses
25苍鹫之颂 Salute of Eagles
26浅斟的暇刻 Idle Hours
27泛羽流月 Feathered Moonlight
28渐落的晨曦 Fading Dawn
29空余残晖 Afterglow of the Sky
30旧乡的叹音 Sigh, the Breath of Yore
31为一座无名的坟茔 For an Unmarked Grave
32何日之梦 A Dream Yet to Come
33苍原的巇径 Hidden Path Above the Savannah
34故行已去 Someone Walked These Paths
35妄执的冷烬 Ashes of Presumption
36流灰地的遗声 The Fading Voices of Cinder
37幻象中的慰抚 Comfort in Visions
38暮火将熄 Serpent's Endgame
39僭王的威烈 Formidable Usurper
40圣律桓桓 Indisputable Commandments
41幽室泠泠 Dripping Gloom
42殒尘的黯星 Eclipsed Star
43造始的噩兆 Onset of Omens
44戢翼无归 Wingless Wail
45沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation
46一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
47幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
48灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
49为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
50铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
51奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
52随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
53众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
崩坏星穹铁道-飞来波的圣状(下篇)The Flapper Sinthome Disc2
1众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
2随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
3奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
4铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
5为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
6灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
7幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
8一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
9沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation
10戢翼无归 Wingless Wail