==English Version== Flowing Waters of the Zhoushui River Formed the DongLuo, Xiluo and Huwei Rivers Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River From the beginning of our generations, sourced the tree of life
Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River Running over mountains and fields, all the way to the ends of the downstream Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River For hundreds and thousands of years, have been listening to history
History talks of how our ancestors plowed the lands with sweat and blood History talks of beauty and passion belonging to youth History talks of the awakening of an era, the courage to bloom
A river that flows across the fate of generations And where does it go? Flowing from winter to spring Flowing through our bodies, a stream of blood that goes on for thousands of miles
A river that flows across the fate of generations And where does it go? Seeping straight into the roots of rice fields Flowing into our hearts, teaching us to appreciate the heritage and wealth our ancestors bled and sweated for
==English Version== Flowing Waters of the Zhoushui River Formed the DongLuo, Xiluo and Huwei Rivers Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River From the beginning of our generations, sourced the tree of life
Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River Running over mountains and fields, all the way to the ends of the downstream Flowing waters of the Zhoushui River For hundreds and thousands of years, have been listening to history
History talks of how our ancestors plowed the lands with sweat and blood History talks of beauty and passion belonging to youth History talks of the awakening of an era, the courage to bloom
A river that flows across the fate of generations And where does it go? Flowing from winter to spring Flowing through our bodies, a stream of blood that goes on for thousands of miles
A river that flows across the fate of generations And where does it go? Seeping straight into the roots of rice fields Flowing into our hearts, teaching us to appreciate the heritage and wealth our ancestors bled and sweated for