04. Daughter’s Adult Ceremony Daughter grew up, And she reached an age of thirteen. An adult ceremony was given, By killing cocks to offer sacrifices. After changing into her kid’s skirt, Daughter became more cautious. Before that she could participated in the family activities for offering sacrifices, But that could never happen again afterwards. Daughter no longer belonged to the clan. Daughter felts sad. Goats and sheep are both family properties, However, sheep were eternal property, While goats were giving-away property. How come could this happen? Daughter felt very upset.
04. Daughter’s Adult Ceremony Daughter grew up, And she reached an age of thirteen. An adult ceremony was given, By killing cocks to offer sacrifices. After changing into her kid’s skirt, Daughter became more cautious. Before that she could participated in the family activities for offering sacrifices, But that could never happen again afterwards. Daughter no longer belonged to the clan. Daughter felts sad. Goats and sheep are both family properties, However, sheep were eternal property, While goats were giving-away property. How come could this happen? Daughter felt very upset.