年轻人想着发达 却只想着只靠着祈祷 没本事就去乞讨 否则钱你永远不可能搞到 适者生存 谁不想分到一块奶酪 小心掉进陷阱 掉进金钱给你下的圈套 就想挥霍金钱 买个大别墅 天天度假旅游 天天不在里住 周围方圆十里 全是老子的金铺 只要老子开心 随便刷卡就能买下这条路 I want to buy the car I need some money I want to buy the house I need some money Girls need money Play need money life need money music need money Everthing need the money so I need money money money money