饗民以潲以虛民 賂民以貸以誘民 Feed the people with pigwash so that you may enervate them. Lure the people with loan so that you may capture them. 人牧之略萬千 奈何服之以鞭 There are hundreds of methods to manipulate the people. However, the worst one is adopted here.
闕階何以歿 上下焉得覆 主仆豈可殆 反芻 How can hierarchy be eliminated? How can polarization be upset? How can helotism be destroyed? Rumination.
去民之兵以弱民 篡民之字以愚民 Partition the weapons from the people so that you may paralyze them. Tamper the characters of the people so that you may idiotize them. 人禦之術小異 古今東西大同 Discrepancies between methods of manipulation are slight. By contrast, they are almost the same throughout histories in the west and the east.
闕階何以歿 上下焉得覆 主仆豈可殆 反芻 How can hierarchy be eliminated? How can polarization be upset? How can helotism be destroyed? Rumination.
師夷長技 以制萬民 Studying the foreign advance techniques, is for overpowering the public. 效吾先賢 以制伯季 Intimating the saints in the past, is for suppressing the peers. 繼往開來 以制百國 Succeeding yesterday and initiating tomorrow, is for overwhelming other nations. 睥睨今古 惟有新牧 The only one who is able to outface the world, should be the people-herder.
軌道編輯:李力 混音:李力 母帶:李力 監製:多舛之木 Track Editing: Nye Mixing: Nye Mastering: Nye Executive Producer: JWP
作词 : 未濟 作曲 : 未濟 ISRC: FR-10S-19-34293
饗民以潲以虛民 賂民以貸以誘民 Feed the people with pigwash so that you may enervate them. Lure the people with loan so that you may capture them. 人牧之略萬千 奈何服之以鞭 There are hundreds of methods to manipulate the people. However, the worst one is adopted here.
闕階何以歿 上下焉得覆 主仆豈可殆 反芻 How can hierarchy be eliminated? How can polarization be upset? How can helotism be destroyed? Rumination.
去民之兵以弱民 篡民之字以愚民 Partition the weapons from the people so that you may paralyze them. Tamper the characters of the people so that you may idiotize them. 人禦之術小異 古今東西大同 Discrepancies between methods of manipulation are slight. By contrast, they are almost the same throughout histories in the west and the east.
闕階何以歿 上下焉得覆 主仆豈可殆 反芻 How can hierarchy be eliminated? How can polarization be upset? How can helotism be destroyed? Rumination.
師夷長技 以制萬民 Studying the foreign advance techniques, is for overpowering the public. 效吾先賢 以制伯季 Intimating the saints in the past, is for suppressing the peers. 繼往開來 以制百國 Succeeding yesterday and initiating tomorrow, is for overwhelming other nations. 睥睨今古 惟有新牧 The only one who is able to outface the world, should be the people-herder.