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  • 作词 : Lizah栗哲
    作曲 : Lizah栗哲
    Cover Designed By:黑叉
    Been watching out what’s hidden/一直在观察隐藏的东西
    But ain’t got no a bit of vision/但他没有一点远见
    Screaming loud to the mirror/对着镜子大声尖叫
    But nothing has gone any different/但并没有任何改变
    Tell me what are you fearing of/告诉我你在害怕什么
    Why can’t you be sharing more/为什么你不能分享更多
    Would you come with us/你愿意和我们一起去吗
    Where we’re heading for a tour/下面的路我们带你走一程
    Been seeking for the sickest piece run down to the last minute/每分每秒在癫狂的状态下寻找着
    Been timidly receiving menace from different *******/胆怯地接受着各种各样的威胁恐吓
    Exposing weakness to enemies is the reason for not winning/把弱点暴露给敌人是每次失败的原因
    No biscuit left but liquid in red is right here for the weakest/没有甜的东西 红色的液体属于最弱的人
    He’s been shaking and pissing wishing for longer living/他一直在发抖 失禁 希望能活得更长
    But have not receive permission for a single second of breathing/没有得到多一秒钟呼吸的许可
    With a second of peace then follows massacre hitting/一秒和平后迎来大屠杀
    In a great position witnessing million creature in a second finishing/躲在绝佳的位置见证百万生灵走向覆灭
    I have been/我始终
    sick but not beaten a prick to make some changes/旧病未愈 却挣扎着反抗
    Here's a **** to break your defenses Into pieces of what you planned/意图打破你的防御将你的计划粉碎
    You are the witness of revenges Next minute to have this ended/下一秒结束这一切你会是复仇的见证人
    lyrics in angriness you're about to see some expenses/写下怒火 你会付出代价
    Lives been often fading fade away into blank pages/生命常常消逝在空白的书页中
    Into deep night portraying of the endless dark white/深夜里描绘着无尽的暗白色
    Time to revive bloody fight initiated/血腥的战斗开始了
    razor-sharp weapons standby in the hand of the weakest **** tonight/利器在今晚最弱的人手里待命
    It is the Hiphop Music that saved me thousand times/是Hiphop音乐 他拯救了我千万次
    Over and over again/不断地重复着
    So here I wrote the lyrics down/我把歌词写在这里
    With my spirits comes around/灵魂苏醒了
    Should I turn the music on/我应该把音乐打开吗
    Will you dance like stupid clown/你会像愚蠢的小丑一样跳舞吗
    I ain't never ever talk to you again/再也不与你交谈
    Cuz you're fragile you're an asshole/因为你很脆弱 你是个混蛋
    In your chest a blackhole/你的心脏上有黑洞
    A coward who's disabled to let go/一个不能放手的懦夫
    Pretend there're all fake/假装一切都是假的
    You're not even awake bro/你还没醒呢 兄弟
    what is on the table/在桌子上的是什么
    Let's cut to the chase/我们开门见山吧
    what the **** does it take/到底是什么
    that makes you shake though/让你战栗不止
    too much time been wasted though/浪费了太多的时间
    but I gotta stop crying be brave yo/我必须停止哭泣勇敢点
    Cuz I ain't got no methadone/因为我没有xxx
    to hold me back outta the black hole/把我拉出无尽黑洞
    without ******* air like an astronaut/没有该死的空气像一个宇航员
    Whether you are happy or not/不管你快乐与否
    I don't give a **** about/我并不在乎
    Conscience stays at the bottom now/良心现在处于最底层
    they been asking and wondering how/他们一直在问 想知道是怎么做到的
    the **** can I make it out of valley bottom/我如何走出谷底
    to the top of the whole crowd/站在人群的最顶端
    but the weak **** is the weak ****/但软弱的废物是事实
    ain't looking for nobody to get pissed with/我不是想要挑衅或惹怒任何人
    but doing so much totally twisted/但做这么多已经完全扭曲
    opportunities with me always missed it/很多机会曾来过去却总是错过
    Tell me who the **** I gotta be/告诉我我该成为谁
    Pretend I'm not sick/假装我没病
    Still got choice to pick/仍有选择的余地
    new story to read with my ******* voice right here about to reach/用我该死的声音读个新故事
    I can't just freeze time and let it be/我不能把时间冻结然后任其发展
    Every time it leaves me with my ass kicked/每次都被踢得屁滚尿流
    Force to be to left in the turbulent rivers/被迫留在汹涌的河流里
    with the massive torrent to set me free/巨大的洪流带给了我彻底的自由
    I ain't got no freestyle/我没有即兴表演
    no trick to stick to it no matter how/不管怎么坚持都无法领悟诀窍
    Or either beat the **** up to let it stop/或者应该把它打烂 让它停下来
    I'm still working on it to figure it out/我还在想办法
    Since I'm the weakest **** you've ever seen/因为我是你见过的最软弱的混蛋
    From the spot you've never been/从你从未到过的地方而来
    blowing blistering cold wind/吹着刺骨的寒风
    by counting every old sins/数着过去的罪行
    Till the age of nineteen/直到十九岁
    Evil within my blood though my veins/我的血管里流淌着邪恶的血液
    Sense of revolting in my brain/反抗意识在我脑中
    Execution of Rebellion on the screen/叛乱开始 欣赏一出好戏
    the activation of new mission right after superstitious elimination/迷信消除后新任务的启动
    Permission had been given for script adaptation/剧本改编已获批准
    Attractive proposition receives no recognition/有吸引力的提议得不到认可
    retaliation of the weak against the world is on operation/弱国对世界的报复行动正在进行
    Here is the invitation check out the Fuxxking address/这是邀请函 请仔细查看地址
  • [00:00.000] 作词 : Lizah栗哲
    [00:00.528] 作曲 : Lizah栗哲
    [00:01.57]Cover Designed By:黑叉
    [00:15.82]Been watching out what’s hidden/一直在观察隐藏的东西
    [00:19.33]But ain’t got no a bit of vision/但他没有一点远见
    [00:22.57]Screaming loud to the mirror/对着镜子大声尖叫
    [00:25.32]But nothing has gone any different/但并没有任何改变
    [00:28.08]Tell me what are you fearing of/告诉我你在害怕什么
    [00:32.08]Why can’t you be sharing more/为什么你不能分享更多
    [00:35.32]Would you come with us/你愿意和我们一起去吗
    [00:38.08]Where we’re heading for a tour/下面的路我们带你走一程
    [00:41.08]Been seeking for the sickest piece run down to the last minute/每分每秒在癫狂的状态下寻找着
    [00:44.34]Been timidly receiving menace from different *******/胆怯地接受着各种各样的威胁恐吓
    [00:47.34]Exposing weakness to enemies is the reason for not winning/把弱点暴露给敌人是每次失败的原因
    [00:50.33]No biscuit left but liquid in red is right here for the weakest/没有甜的东西 红色的液体属于最弱的人
    [00:53.84]He’s been shaking and pissing wishing for longer living/他一直在发抖 失禁 希望能活得更长
    [00:56.60]But have not receive permission for a single second of breathing/没有得到多一秒钟呼吸的许可
    [00:59.84]With a second of peace then follows massacre hitting/一秒和平后迎来大屠杀
    [01:03.10]In a great position witnessing million creature in a second finishing/躲在绝佳的位置见证百万生灵走向覆灭
    [01:06.34]I have been/我始终
    [01:06.84]sick but not beaten a prick to make some changes/旧病未愈 却挣扎着反抗
    [01:09.59]Here's a **** to break your defenses Into pieces of what you planned/意图打破你的防御将你的计划粉碎
    [01:12.85]You are the witness of revenges Next minute to have this ended/下一秒结束这一切你会是复仇的见证人
    [01:16.36]lyrics in angriness you're about to see some expenses/写下怒火 你会付出代价
    [01:19.60]Lives been often fading fade away into blank pages/生命常常消逝在空白的书页中
    [01:22.62]Into deep night portraying of the endless dark white/深夜里描绘着无尽的暗白色
    [01:25.61]Time to revive bloody fight initiated/血腥的战斗开始了
    [01:28.12]razor-sharp weapons standby in the hand of the weakest **** tonight/利器在今晚最弱的人手里待命
    [01:36.60]It is the Hiphop Music that saved me thousand times/是Hiphop音乐 他拯救了我千万次
    [01:41.86]Over and over again/不断地重复着
    [01:44.86]So here I wrote the lyrics down/我把歌词写在这里
    [01:46.60]With my spirits comes around/灵魂苏醒了
    [01:48.09]Should I turn the music on/我应该把音乐打开吗
    [01:49.86]Will you dance like stupid clown/你会像愚蠢的小丑一样跳舞吗
    [01:51.62]I ain't never ever talk to you again/再也不与你交谈
    [01:53.12]Cuz you're fragile you're an asshole/因为你很脆弱 你是个混蛋
    [01:54.62]In your chest a blackhole/你的心脏上有黑洞
    [01:56.12]A coward who's disabled to let go/一个不能放手的懦夫
    [01:57.88]Pretend there're all fake/假装一切都是假的
    [01:59.12]You're not even awake bro/你还没醒呢 兄弟
    [02:00.38]what is on the table/在桌子上的是什么
    [02:01.87]Let's cut to the chase/我们开门见山吧
    [02:02.88]what the **** does it take/到底是什么
    [02:04.88]that makes you shake though/让你战栗不止
    [02:05.62]too much time been wasted though/浪费了太多的时间
    [02:06.38]but I gotta stop crying be brave yo/我必须停止哭泣勇敢点
    [02:07.87]Cuz I ain't got no methadone/因为我没有xxx
    [02:09.37]to hold me back outta the black hole/把我拉出无尽黑洞
    [02:11.11]without ******* air like an astronaut/没有该死的空气像一个宇航员
    [02:12.88]Whether you are happy or not/不管你快乐与否
    [02:14.12]I don't give a **** about/我并不在乎
    [02:15.37]Conscience stays at the bottom now/良心现在处于最底层
    [02:17.11]they been asking and wondering how/他们一直在问 想知道是怎么做到的
    [02:18.64]the **** can I make it out of valley bottom/我如何走出谷底
    [02:20.63]to the top of the whole crowd/站在人群的最顶端
    [02:22.64]but the weak **** is the weak ****/但软弱的废物是事实
    [02:24.64]ain't looking for nobody to get pissed with/我不是想要挑衅或惹怒任何人
    [02:26.63]but doing so much totally twisted/但做这么多已经完全扭曲
    [02:27.90]opportunities with me always missed it/很多机会曾来过去却总是错过
    [02:29.63]Tell me who the **** I gotta be/告诉我我该成为谁
    [02:31.14]Pretend I'm not sick/假装我没病
    [02:32.39]Still got choice to pick/仍有选择的余地
    [02:33.13]new story to read with my ******* voice right here about to reach/用我该死的声音读个新故事
    [02:35.90]I can't just freeze time and let it be/我不能把时间冻结然后任其发展
    [02:37.89]Every time it leaves me with my ass kicked/每次都被踢得屁滚尿流
    [02:39.39]Force to be to left in the turbulent rivers/被迫留在汹涌的河流里
    [02:41.16]with the massive torrent to set me free/巨大的洪流带给了我彻底的自由
    [02:42.65]I ain't got no freestyle/我没有即兴表演
    [02:43.89]no trick to stick to it no matter how/不管怎么坚持都无法领悟诀窍
    [02:45.65]Or either beat the **** up to let it stop/或者应该把它打烂 让它停下来
    [02:47.39]I'm still working on it to figure it out/我还在想办法
    [02:49.15]Since I'm the weakest **** you've ever seen/因为我是你见过的最软弱的混蛋
    [02:50.65]From the spot you've never been/从你从未到过的地方而来
    [02:51.89]blowing blistering cold wind/吹着刺骨的寒风
    [02:53.39]by counting every old sins/数着过去的罪行
    [02:54.89]Till the age of nineteen/直到十九岁
    [02:56.41]Evil within my blood though my veins/我的血管里流淌着邪恶的血液
    [02:58.15]Sense of revolting in my brain/反抗意识在我脑中
    [02:59.91]Execution of Rebellion on the screen/叛乱开始 欣赏一出好戏
    [03:01.91]the activation of new mission right after superstitious elimination/迷信消除后新任务的启动
    [03:05.90]Permission had been given for script adaptation/剧本改编已获批准
    [03:08.14]Attractive proposition receives no recognition/有吸引力的提议得不到认可
    [03:10.65]retaliation of the weak against the world is on operation/弱国对世界的报复行动正在进行
    [03:17.42]Here is the invitation check out the Fuxxking address/这是邀请函 请仔细查看地址