1A World not so Beautiful [A Song 4 the Emperor]
2In My Little Black Dress
3In Heaven, only Abstinence remains
4Do Angels never cry, and Heaven never fall?
5In High Heels through Nights of broken Glass [mmx]
6Serpent - Dagger - Lion - Man
7I M B E C I L E, My Idiot Lover
8If Christ is the Answer, then what is the Question?
9A Song 4 Hate & Devotion
10A World not so Beautiful [A Song 4 Fredrik]
4 More Songs 4 Hate & Devotion (Original Mix)
Make Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Vision:Libertine The Hangman's Triad
Reaping The Fallen...The First Harvest
1Ode to the Beloved & Impaired
2Still thinking about Italy
3Rituals of Love in the Passage of Genocide, Song of Rose
4Love Always dies, but Hate is Forever
5In Memories of Rome, we live Forever
6My Felicity of Midwinter
7Who stole the Sun from its place in My Heart?
8The Perplexity of Eskil - I celebrate Myself?
9Advancement & Demoralization
10She's in Love with a Whip - My Venus in Furs