2[Mercury Rising] Seduced by the Kisses of Cinnabar Sweet
3Lost Forever, in the Blitzkrieg of Roses
4Do Murder And Lust Make Me A Man?
5Hear the Sound of a Black Flame rising
6Sons & Daughters of Lilith and Cain
7Hell is My Refuge - A Golden Dawn for a Judas Kiss
8I think about Germany and the End of the World
9Let the Words of My Murder be the Last Words You hear
10When We murdered the World on the Fourteenth of May
11[Apocalips Kisses] In the Eyes of the Scarlet ones
12Can you see the Forest for the Trees?
13She's in Love with a Whip - My Venus in Furs
14Who stole the Sun from its place in My Heart?
15Love Always dies, but Hate is Forever
16Still thinking about Italy
4 More Songs 4 Hate & Devotion (Original Mix)
Make Love & War - The Wedlock of Roses & Equilibrium
Cocktails, Carnage, Crucifixion & Pornography (CCCP)
Vision:Libertine The Hangman's Triad
Reaping The Fallen...The First Harvest
1Ode to the Beloved & Impaired
2Still thinking about Italy
3Rituals of Love in the Passage of Genocide, Song of Rose
4Love Always dies, but Hate is Forever
5In Memories of Rome, we live Forever
6My Felicity of Midwinter
7Who stole the Sun from its place in My Heart?
8The Perplexity of Eskil - I celebrate Myself?
9Advancement & Demoralization
10She's in Love with a Whip - My Venus in Furs