1Blues for Big Scotia Peterson
2West Coast Blues Montgomery
3Here's That Rainy Day Burke, VanHeusen
4I Love You Dukowski, Jenkins, Porter, Walker
5Daahoud Brown
6Tricrotism (Tractitism) Pettiford
7I'm Old Fashioned Kern, Mercer
8Young and Foolish Hague, Horwitt
9Manteca Fuller, Gillespie, Pozo
10Stockholm Sweetnin' Jones
11Blues for Big Scotia Peterson
12Close Your Eyes Petkere
13The Spirit-Feel Jackson
14Cubano Chant Bryant
15Con Alma Gillespie
16O.P. Garcia, Peterson
17Little Pea's Blues Peterson
18The Spirit-Feel Jackson
On Green Dolphin Street
Vintage Jazz No. 115 - EP: Squatty Roo
Vintage Jazz No. 78 - EP: Singin' In The Rain
Georgia on My Mind
Love Walked In
3Fascinating Rhythm
4Bye Bye Blackbird
5Singin' In The Rain
6Moten Swing
7Bags' Groove
8Happy-Go-Lucky Local, AKA Night Train
9The Golden Striker
10Georgia on My Mind