1A Trip to San Francisco
2Little Brown Jug
3Jump in Space
4Ballad Fo Bugle
5Glenn's Sound
6Moody Time
7Londonderry - Air
8Palm Beach Melody
9Lonely Soldier
10Swing Low
¡Viva Kenny!
Music for Every Mood
Kenny Rogers
Every Time Two Fools Collide
Love Or Something Like It
1Ama Al Mundo De Hoy (Love The World Away)
2Ella Cree En Mi (She Believes In Me)
3Lady (Spanish Version)
4No Te Enamores De Un Soñador (Don't Fall In Love With A Dreamer)
5Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Is In)
7A Little More Love
8Something Burning
9The Gambler
10Ruby (Dont Take Your Love To