1The Tale of Icewind Dale (Movie 1)
2Icewind Dale Theme
3Easthaven in Peace
4Hrothgar's Home
5Temple of Tempus
6The Lost Caravan
7Drums of the Dead
8Avalanche at the Pass (Movie 2)
9Kuldahar Theme
10Arundel's Home
11Vale of Shadows
12Lysan's Lair
13Kresselack's Tomb
14Kresselack's Lair
15Temple of the Forgotten God Entrance
16Temple of the Forgotten God Interior
17Heartstone Shrine
18The Dragon's Eye
19Yxunomei's Lair
20Severed Hand Entrance
21Severed Hand Interior
22The Mage Tower
23Lerrel's Daughter
24Lerrel's Astrolab
25The Heartstone Gem (Movie 3)
26Upper Dorn's Deep Entrance
27Upper Dorn's Deep Interior
28Drow & Orog Gate
29Umber Hulk Labyrinth
30The Wyrm's Tooth Entrance
31Aquarium of Alkonos
32Frost Giant Cave
33Lower Dorn's Deep
34Svirfneblin Refugee Camp
35Marketh's Palace
36Artisan's District
37The Fallen Temple
38Belhifet's Doom
39Return to Easthaven (Movie 4)
40Easthaven in Pieces
41Success! (Movie 5)
42Credits (Long)
43Credits (Bonus)
44Battle of Kuldahar
45Vale of Shadows (Bonus)
46Chapter I
47Chapter II
48Battle with Yxunomei
49Battle with Revered Brother Poquelin
50Battle with Revered Brother Poquelin (Bonus)
51Credits (Short)
Total Annihilation
Icewind Dale
Giants: Citizen Kabuto Offical Soundtrack
Neverwinter Nights
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Original Soundtrack
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Soundtrack
1Blood Of The Machines
2Where Am I
3Charred Dreams
5On Throughout The Night
6Futile Attempt
7Licking Wounds
9Death And Decay
10Forest Green