1今日宜逃跑(Today's Forecast: Runaway)
2收音机里沙沙作响(Static Whispers in the Radio)
3堵住耳朵别说话(Earplugs and Silence)
4指纹在风里写收条(Fingerprints Drafting Receipts)
5撞见南墙当酒瓶(Head-On Collision )
6旧琴弦发酵(Fermented Strings)
7你只是在装(You're Just Pretending)
8人比黄花残(Withering Faster Than Chrysanthemums)
9往黑洞垃圾站投递(Dispatch to the Black Hole Dump)
2往黑洞垃圾站投递(Dispatch to the Black Hole Dump)
3人比黄花残(Withering Faster Than Chrysanthemums)
4你只是在装(You're Just Pretending)
5旧琴弦发酵(Fermented Strings)
6撞见南墙当酒瓶(Head-On Collision )
7指纹在风里写收条(Fingerprints Drafting Receipts)
8堵住耳朵别说话(Earplugs and Silence)
9收音机里沙沙作响(Static Whispers in the Radio)
10今日宜逃跑(Today's Forecast: Runaway)