作词 : Project Mons 作曲 : Project Mons 编曲 : Project Mons Sometimes it gets me thinking 有时我不禁思考 Are my memories legit? 记忆是否可靠 Those expired connotation 所谓的深意已经过期 Belongs to the past they matter no more 属于过去且毫无意义
Sometimes it gets me thinking 有时我不禁思考 My effort has no meaning 努力是否毫无意义 Everyday just keeps repeating 漫无止境的重复 Da da da da, the clock is ticking 滴滴答答的钟表 They tell me take it easy 他们叫我别那么较劲 But life is never easy 但活着就是较劲 Never cared ‘bout what they have to say 将他们琐碎的意见置之不理 Seems to me it’s all just child’s play 他们听上去幼稚可疑
Working in silence 独自在一旁努力 Wishing for a better day 朝着更美好的未来 Taking each challenge I face 认真扛起一砖一瓦 and each stone I lay 盖起自己的城
Those useless words I will take 'em down 那些闲言碎语我要将他们撤下 Invalid tag I’m gonna take it down 无效的标签我要将他们撕下 No more time to waste 光阴不容辜负 I will become star of the night 我要成为夜空的星火 light of the day 点亮世界 There’s nothing ever gonna bring me down 再没有什么事情会让我倒下 And I will never say I had enough 我也不会再轻易放下 Stand up and let’s move on 站起身来往前走吧 Now you’re coming with us 快跟上我们吧
Night and day it goes on 日日夜夜地重复 Boring trendy new songs 无聊的打榜旋律 (Notification, give me your attention) 推送通知,占满你的感知 War of loudness everywhere 响度战争永不休止
Chasing the future 追逐着未来 My own path will never end 属于我的路不会终止 Crafting my own dream 亲手构筑自己的梦 Those sleepless nights won’t go in vain 以报无数的不眠之夜
Just listen to your heart 倾听你心中的声音 Every melody has a meaning 每一段旋律都有意义 Even when you’re gone 即使曲终人散 Your songs will never fade 你的歌永不褪色 It’s never too late 还来得及 Let the world hear what you say 将你的意志宣告这个世界 It’s time to make it clear 毫不含糊地呐喊吧 Just listen to your soul 倾听你灵魂的震动 Every word that has a meaning 有意义的每一字句 Even when you’re gone 即使曲终人散 Your voice will never fade 你的声音永不磨灭 It’s never too late 还来得及 Let the world hear what you say 将你的意志宣告这个世界 Every step you take is 你走的每一步 part of your story 都是你故事的一页
Those useless words I will take 'em down 那些闲言碎语我要将他们撤下 Invalid tag I’m gonna take it down 无效的标签我要将他们撕下 No more time to waste 光阴不容辜负 I will become star of the night 我要成为夜空的星火 light of the day 点亮世界 There’s nothing ever gonna bring me down 再没有什么事情会让我倒下 And I will never say I had enough 我也不会再轻易放下 Stand up and let’s move on 站起身来往前走吧 Now you’re coming with us 快跟上我们吧
作词 : Project Mons 作曲 : Project Mons 编曲 : Project Mons Sometimes it gets me thinking 有时我不禁思考 Are my memories legit? 记忆是否可靠 Those expired connotation 所谓的深意已经过期 Belongs to the past they matter no more 属于过去且毫无意义
Sometimes it gets me thinking 有时我不禁思考 My effort has no meaning 努力是否毫无意义 Everyday just keeps repeating 漫无止境的重复 Da da da da, the clock is ticking 滴滴答答的钟表 They tell me take it easy 他们叫我别那么较劲 But life is never easy 但活着就是较劲 Never cared ‘bout what they have to say 将他们琐碎的意见置之不理 Seems to me it’s all just child’s play 他们听上去幼稚可疑
Working in silence 独自在一旁努力 Wishing for a better day 朝着更美好的未来 Taking each challenge I face 认真扛起一砖一瓦 and each stone I lay 盖起自己的城
Those useless words I will take 'em down 那些闲言碎语我要将他们撤下 Invalid tag I’m gonna take it down 无效的标签我要将他们撕下 No more time to waste 光阴不容辜负 I will become star of the night 我要成为夜空的星火 light of the day 点亮世界 There’s nothing ever gonna bring me down 再没有什么事情会让我倒下 And I will never say I had enough 我也不会再轻易放下 Stand up and let’s move on 站起身来往前走吧 Now you’re coming with us 快跟上我们吧
Night and day it goes on 日日夜夜地重复 Boring trendy new songs 无聊的打榜旋律 (Notification, give me your attention) 推送通知,占满你的感知 War of loudness everywhere 响度战争永不休止
Chasing the future 追逐着未来 My own path will never end 属于我的路不会终止 Crafting my own dream 亲手构筑自己的梦 Those sleepless nights won’t go in vain 以报无数的不眠之夜
Just listen to your heart 倾听你心中的声音 Every melody has a meaning 每一段旋律都有意义 Even when you’re gone 即使曲终人散 Your songs will never fade 你的歌永不褪色 It’s never too late 还来得及 Let the world hear what you say 将你的意志宣告这个世界 It’s time to make it clear 毫不含糊地呐喊吧 Just listen to your soul 倾听你灵魂的震动 Every word that has a meaning 有意义的每一字句 Even when you’re gone 即使曲终人散 Your voice will never fade 你的声音永不磨灭 It’s never too late 还来得及 Let the world hear what you say 将你的意志宣告这个世界 Every step you take is 你走的每一步 part of your story 都是你故事的一页
Those useless words I will take 'em down 那些闲言碎语我要将他们撤下 Invalid tag I’m gonna take it down 无效的标签我要将他们撕下 No more time to waste 光阴不容辜负 I will become star of the night 我要成为夜空的星火 light of the day 点亮世界 There’s nothing ever gonna bring me down 再没有什么事情会让我倒下 And I will never say I had enough 我也不会再轻易放下 Stand up and let’s move on 站起身来往前走吧 Now you’re coming with us 快跟上我们吧