1船明伞彩 Largo alla donzella
2玫色的风语 Via col vento rosato
3铳弹定准 Voici la grenadiere !
4晴云漫雪袂 Drifting Clouds, Wafting Snow
5春煦瑞彩时 Propitious Ardor
6闲看华池万坞云 Retaining Clouds Over a Clear Pool
7天静先借风作籁 Borrowing Winds of Harmony
8百羽缀袖 Manche de Momotsuzuri
9裁红落似锦 Le cramoisi coulant comme Cin
10迟至的悼魂歌 Revised Requiem
11未始的供献颂 Offertorium of Fortuitum
12砂王的巡行 Menmaatre's Parade
13律重令随 Possente legge e formidabil nume
14秉烛贯夜 Non si levava ancor
15海露欢游 Romari Time!
16轻裳闲息 Floating Breaths of the Breeze
17余馥的秘言 Le Souffle du Parfum
18浅露的香调 Notes Aeriennes
19故途新知 Ho'olauna aloha!
20暖泉的遐仰 Hot Spring Affection
21鼠兔之舞 Pirouette of Pika's Pike
22狩龙行旅 Maverick Hunter
23极效方案 Note of Effective Settlements
24淬古锻名 The Antiquity of Names
25聚光之刻 Lights on Me
26约定的此侧 This Side of Promise
27调停的乐诗 Viajadora's Verse
28七帷的暮雨 Rain of Seven Curtains
29锦笺寄梅春 Plum Blossom Spring
30炎霞燎彻 Scorching Haze
31空动的无限星 Infinite Cosmodynamics
32曜间浮行 Interstellar Drift
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
崩坏星穹铁道-飞来波的圣状(下篇)The Flapper Sinthome Disc2
原神-沉玉沐芳 Jadeite Redolence
1曜间浮行 Interstellar Drift
2空动的无限星 Infinite Cosmodynamics
3炎霞燎彻 Scorching Haze
4锦笺寄梅春 Plum Blossom Spring
5七帷的暮雨 Rain of Seven Curtains
6调停的乐诗 Viajadora's Verse
7约定的此侧 This Side of Promise
8聚光之刻 Lights on Me
9淬古锻名 The Antiquity of Names
10极效方案 Note of Effective Settlements