1世代的颂歌 Anthem of Eras
2黎明座下 Under the Seat of Dawn
3金血的战曲 Battle Hymn of the Golden Blood
4波涛舞会 Promenade of Tides
5活火 Living Flame
6伐神 Theomakhia
7游叙草木 Plantlife Euthys
8翻飞之间 Between Whims
9大地牧歌 The Pastoral of the Lands
10驻留的游谣 Wandering Rhymes
11命运之轮 Wheel of Fate
12求谕 In Search of Prophecy
13诸神的回响 Echoes of the Divine
14被践踏的蛇 Trampled Snake
15葡萄树和山羊 Grapevine and Mountain Goat
16预言的浅吟 Whisper of Prophecy
17如谁所书 As Written By Whom
18祈留无路 Prayer for Pathlessness
19长昼的絮语 Whispers of Day
20帷幕之中 Within the Veil
21谕声的薄音 Fading Prophecy
22忆河的织者 Weaver of Memories
23噤声之弦 Silent Strings
24起初和终结 Origin and Finale
25碑文落处 Where The Inscription Was
26荣耀不死 Undying Glory
27营火未熄 The Eternal Campflame
28烽烟余味 Beacon Smoke Residue
29长夜斧声 Axe of Evernight
30致歌耳戈 To Gorgo
31致纷争的一切 To All Things Strifeful
32万有之王父 King Father of All
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
崩坏星穹铁道-飞来波的圣状(下篇)The Flapper Sinthome Disc2
原神-沉玉沐芳 Jadeite Redolence
1曜间浮行 Interstellar Drift
2空动的无限星 Infinite Cosmodynamics
3炎霞燎彻 Scorching Haze
4锦笺寄梅春 Plum Blossom Spring
5七帷的暮雨 Rain of Seven Curtains
6调停的乐诗 Viajadora's Verse
7约定的此侧 This Side of Promise
8聚光之刻 Lights on Me
9淬古锻名 The Antiquity of Names
10极效方案 Note of Effective Settlements