1金手指 The Golden Touch
2等醒来再哭泣 Then Wake to Weep
3演出开始前 Before the Show Starts
4假若有一双翅膀 If We Had Wings
5牛仔很忙 Cowboy's Got Business
6再见,匹诺康尼 Farewell, Penacony
7做梦的艺术 Art of Dreaming
8此刻,在同一片星空下 Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars
9格拉默的余烬 The Embers of Glamoth
10壳中萤火 Embers in a Shell
11欲望收藏 A Collection of Desires
12石心誓环•天平两端 Stoneheart's Oath Ring: Both Ends of the Scale
13明霄竞武试锋芒 Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue
14挑战,无处不在 Challenges Come Anywhere, Anytime
15天干剑燥,小心火炉 Mind the Swelter, Watch the Furnace
16误打误撞 Serendipity
17销魂饭 Pneumanull Rice
18碧羽飞黄射天狼 Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue
19飞镝追星 The Arrow that Seeks the Stars
20清闲自在身 Taking It Easy
21君莫笑 Nothing to Laugh At
原神-灼火之心 Blazing Heart
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
1Blazing Heart (伴奏)
2众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
3随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
4奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
5铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
6为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
7灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
8幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
9一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
10沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation