1After Loving You [Take 3]
2Stranger In My Own Home Town [Undubbed Master]
3In The Ghetto [Take11]
4Suspicious Minds [Rehearsal Plus Take 6]
5Any Day Now [Take 2]
6Only The Strong Survive [Take 22]
7Wearin\' That Loved On Look [Takes 3 & 10]
8Do You Know Who I Am [Take 1]
9And The Grass Won\'t Pay No Mind [Undubbed Master]
10You\'ll Think Of Me [Take 14]
11Power Of My Love [Take 6]
12This Is The Story [Takes 1 & 2]
13True Love Travels On A Gravel Road [Takes 6 & 7]
14Long Black Limousine [Take 6]
15Kentucky Rain [Take 9]
16Without Love [Takes 3 & 4]
17Hey Jude [Spliced From Takes 5 & 1]
18If I\'m A Fool [Take 3]
19From A Jack To A King [Takes 1, 2 & 3]
20I\'m Movin\' On [Takes 1 & 2 - Undubbed Master]
Live in Memphis 1976
Suspicious Minds: 60 Greatest Hits of Elvis Presley
Toxic Las Vegas (Jamieson Shaw Remix (From The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack ELVIS) DELUXE EDIT
The King
Baby Let's Play House - Spankox Remix EP
2That\'s Alright Mama
4Baby Let\'s Play House
5Interview With Elvis
6Hound Dog
7Blue Suede Shoes
8I Got A Woman (I Got A Sweetie)
9Money Honey
10I Was The One