2게으른 세 아들-The Twelve Idle Servants (The Twelve Helpers' Song)
8아빠 참새와 네 마리 새끼 참새-The Sparrow and His Four Children (The Sparrow's Song of Love)
9게으른 사람의 나라 이야기-The Story of Schlauraffen Land (Land of Fun and Folly)
10디트마르셴의 허풍-The Ditmarsch Tale (The Tale of Truth and Friendship)
21기쁨도 함께, 슬픔도 함께-Sharing Joy and Sorrow (The Magic of Sharing)
24해오라기와 후투티-The Bittern and the Hoopoe (The Bittern and the Hoopoe's Dance)
30거위지기 소녀-The Goose-Girl at the Well (The Goose-Girl's Song)
33난쟁이의 선물-The Little Folks' Presents (Gifts from the Little Folks)
36무덤에 누운 소년-The Poor Boy in the Grave (The Poor Boy's Dream)
38토끼와 고슴도치-The Hare and the Hedgehog (The Hare and the Hedgehog's Race)
39물레와 북과 바늘-Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle (The Magic of Spindle, Shuttle, and Needle)
50물소 가죽 장화-The Boots of Buffalo Leather (Buffalo Boots Adventure)
52숲속의 성 요셉-Saint Joseph in the Forest (Saint Joseph's Journey)
55가난과 겸손의 하늘 나라로 가는 길-Poverty and Humility Lead to Heaven (Heaven's Path)
58성 처녀의 작은 잔-The Blessed Virgin's Little Glass (The Virgin's Shining Glass)
60하늘 나라의 결혼 잔치-The Heavenly Marriage (Heaven's Wedding Bells)