当前位置:首页 > 歌词大全 > 하얀 신부와 까만 신부-The White and the Black Bride (The Bride's Harmony)歌词
  • In a kingdom fair, where the rivers flow,
    Lived two brides, with hearts all aglow.
    One dressed in white, pure as snow,
    The other in black, with a graceful flow.

    White and black, side by side,
    In harmony, they'll joyously glide.
    With love and laughter, they'll find their way,
    In the tale of the brides' bright day.

    The white bride, with a smile so sweet,
    Spread kindness to all she'd meet.
    The black bride, with a mysterious air,
    Brought wisdom to those who'd dare.

    White and black, side by side,
    In harmony, they'll joyously glide.
    With love and laughter, they'll find their way,
    In the tale of the brides' bright day.

    Despite their colors, they shared a bond,
    In their hearts, a friendship fond.
    With laughter and tears, they'd face each test,
    In their harmony, they'd find their best.
  • In a kingdom fair, where the rivers flow,
    Lived two brides, with hearts all aglow.
    One dressed in white, pure as snow,
    The other in black, with a graceful flow.

    White and black, side by side,
    In harmony, they'll joyously glide.
    With love and laughter, they'll find their way,
    In the tale of the brides' bright day.

    The white bride, with a smile so sweet,
    Spread kindness to all she'd meet.
    The black bride, with a mysterious air,
    Brought wisdom to those who'd dare.

    White and black, side by side,
    In harmony, they'll joyously glide.
    With love and laughter, they'll find their way,
    In the tale of the brides' bright day.

    Despite their colors, they shared a bond,
    In their hearts, a friendship fond.
    With laughter and tears, they'd face each test,
    In their harmony, they'd find their best.
