4배낭, 모자, 그리고 뿔피리-The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn (The Adventure Trio)
8개와 참새-The Dog and the Sparrow (The Dog and the Sparrow's Tale)
9프리더와 카터리스헨-Frederick and Catherine (Frederick and Catherine's Adventure)
17열두 명의 사냥꾼-The Twelve Huntsmen (The Twelve Huntsmen's Parade)
18도둑과 그 두목-The Thief and His Master (The Master and His Apprentice)
19요린데와 요링겔-Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde and Joringel's Adventure)
20세 행운아-The Three Sons of Fortune (The Three Sons' Adventure)
21여섯 사나이, 세상을 활보하다-How Six Men got on in the World (Six Friends' Adventure)
23늑대와 여우-The Wolf and the Fox (The Wolf and the Fox's Adventure)
24대부가 된 여우-Gossip Wolf and the Fox (Gossip Wolf and the Fox's Song)
25여우와 고양이-The Fox and the Cat (The Fox and the Cat's Adventure)
30암탉이 죽은 이야기-The Death of the Little Hen (Little Hen's Farewell)
38노래하고 뛰노는 종달새-The Singing, Springing Lark (The Singing Lark's Springtime Song)
39거위치는 소녀-The Goose Girl (The Goose Girl's Song of Friendship)
42황금산의 임금님-The King of the Gold Mountain (The King of Gold Mountain's Song)
44영리한 농부의 딸-The Peasant's Wise Daughter (The Wise Daughter's Song)
50악마의 검댕이 형제-The Devil's Sooty Brother (The Sooty Brother's Song)