2고양이와 쥐의 공동 생활-Cat and Mouse in Partnership (Cat and Mouse's Friendship Song)
5늑대와 7마리 아기염소-The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids (The Wolf and the Kids)
11오누이-Little Brother and Little Sister (Brother and Sister's Journey)
13숲 속의 세 난쟁이-The Three Little Men in the Woods (The Three Little Friends)
14실 잣는 세 여인-The Three Spinning Women (The Spinning Sisters' Song)
16뱀이 가져온 잎사귀-The Three Snake-Leaves (The Tale of Three Leaves)
19어부와 그의 아내-The Fisherman and His Wife (The Fisherman's Dream)
29악마의 황금 머리카락 세 올-The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs (The Devil's Golden Hairs)
30이와 벼룩-The Louse and the Flea (The Louse and the Flea's Dance)
31손 없는 왕비-The Girl Without Hands (The Girl with Starry Hands)
41코르베스 씨-Herr Korbes (Herr Korbes and the Mysterious Journey)