作词 : 周震南 作曲 : 周震南 制作人 : 大迈MizarMin 「Die now,or love forever+F.F.F+Save+Red+?+52hz的鱼+Desire+Revelation」 「Die now,or love forever」
I wanna hide with you Don't leave me alone Let me die in your arms But if the love isn't true I will find the truth Give my heart to you
I think I'm confused My deepest soul is fading and disappearing Two people talking One showed me how to love Another one told me 'You gotta clean them' That's why people called them Angel and demon Good versus evil I'm afraid to face them I'm suffering That's what happened Every night I have been tortured by pain ‘We should try to give people more love’ ‘Not my business, …’ ‘We don't have any right to judge’ ‘He's definitely trying to make up a lie for us’ ‘I’m good with the quit and strove with none’ ‘I’ll be the greatest…’ ‘I don't care the money and the fame’ ‘I'm gonna buy the fancy clothes drive the fastest cars’
More than 700 days I've been taking a long rest but I feel more tired Tryna calm but sometimes art's come from my anger I believe in … Always showing love but I know I'm a liar Tryna control violence in my head But still wanna clean that … Have you ever doubted your faith? And tryna raise a few questions? God hath leaden feet, but iron hands That's why I'm confused All I see is a lot of people their own life has been taken I'm not a Christian but for somehow I'm praying
I'm praying For everybody For you For me For someone who's pure and has loyalty I'm praying cuz I know it People gotta show their true love forever
Ok I'm done I feel calm Just wanna ask you something Things you've told me, I found it But why is that all wrong? I'm confused I wonder why the truth is gone When I need someone to save me Why don't you respond? Now you blame me for I'm losing soul and faith Tell me what's the price for being a human I gotta pay I'm not done yet I know there's something beautiful I gotta find it I don't believe in destiny There's only judge and punish
我曾经讲出谎言 试图躲入那些个假话 我曾经想要得到同情 把多处的痛苦夸大 我曾经眼睁睁地看着多数的人被打压 我曾经目睹这一切后做多数人做的哑巴 我曾经面对珍视的事说不 说无伤大雅 后来也会想方设法去拖住某一个刹那 我曾经为了让她开心说出编出的大话 最后没能兑现她告诉我说 没事的 傻瓜 曾经逃避那些挫折把错误怪罪给爸爸 曾经把愤怒的情绪过度地带给了妈妈 曾经看着她痛哭后 被错付的情绪夹杂 他们看我的眼神 从充满爱意到充满了害怕 讲到这些犯过的错 泪流得不止 我无法挽回这一篇篇 无法回头的故事 每一次叫醒自己告诫自己 最后也如此 讲出些伪善的借口 随后又感到很无耻 我的神啊 我无法分清我的善伪 但是你能否听到我的这一句句忏悔 每一次失去后来的反悔 这马后炮的嘴脸现在让我感到反胃 很惭愧 我真心感到惭愧 躲在角落不敢面对的我像个残废 Wake up wake up wake up and fight 我不想他们再次为了我悲伤而含泪
我还在等一个救赎 但到现在还没等到 窒息感快让我呕吐 映衬着他们的冷笑 看着这模糊的字迹 我以为全都是自欺 就在我即将要“窒息” 我突然间抓住了自己 把无关全部都屏蔽 找到我自己的频率 经历的一切的一切 就算很痛苦还是会铭记 脱下了“沉重的刑具” 不去管他们曾给我的评语 就当是病句 悄悄地抹开了脸上的泪水 去控制我此刻很激动的情绪 I gotta focus,focus on my thing 把这些经历都写下来给他们听 如果有天他们陷进低谷 鼓励他们咬碎牙也要前进 收起那些自负收起那些嫉妒 收起那颗受刺激的心 希望他们记住 只有你自己才能够“救自己的命” Like I told you I'll win and do the toast 虽然懦弱也在一直试图掐住我的喉 那就闭上眼睛双手合十扣紧我的手 不是要祈求上帝而是要去跟着内心走
双手被利剑染成血红色 充满愤怒的戏子红脸唱得不出色 Show no mercy I'mma taste your blood 无用的怜悯早已被我亲手给埋了 All this time y'all been eatin' long enough Let me take over this now I'm in charge Boy you so boring I ain't with y'all I ain't with y'all Cuz y'all ain't do it for the love I'm gonna fight,gonna fight Bet my everything and fight till I die All my family and friends are by my side All y'all enemies go home and cry Prairie fire I can't lose One man army I don't need a crew Drop out everything now I'm the bulletproof Be a legend or nobody which you gonna choose? Be a legend or nobody which you gonna choose?
What you living about? What you fighting about? What you talking about? Then what you doing right now? What you hiding about? Who do you lying on now? You said you happy right now? Then what you crying about ? What are you afraid of right now? Afraid of losing your crown? Afraid of losing everything ? Afraid of living like clown? How much do you want now? You said it's enough right now Then what the pack are you suffering about? 为什么我们总是习惯在欲求不满的生活里面 漫无目的地渴望寻找着慰藉 为什么不能为了忠于自我信念 保护爱的事物跟欲望站对立 Cause Nietzsche said it How to get rid of the pain quickly? Die now or love forever That's what I believe The way how I live You know what I mean I never regret it 我始终相信 Love can fight everything Back in the days I wanna take it back in the days Turn on the time machine take us back in the days 那时我们总是习惯歌颂他人的美 以最大的善意去理解包容他人的累 可能这些问题我也没有办法给出答案 略带矛盾的话语会显得措辞有些杂乱 一边保持着冷静一边又被疯狂给拉断 一边顺应着一边又带着希望发出呐喊
I'm gonna fight till you see me I'm gonna let you believe me I'm gonna try my best and help you to find the answer find the truth In that time you'll join me I'm gonna fight till you see me I'm gonna let you believe me I'm gonna try my best and help you to find the answer find the truth In that time you'll join me
I'm swimming in the sea,just like a fish,just like a fish I'm swimming in the sea,with nobody I'm swimming in the sea,just like a fish,just like a fish I'm swimming in the sea,with nobody
What do you want from me? What do you need from me? 我会变成什么 鱼油肥料还是sushi(寿司) 但我的身体充满垃圾早已变成废墟 每一个角落都留下了你们的印记 你夺走我的一切 我的家园 我的亲人 我的爱人 我的同伴 我的回忆 全部都被你夺走 我的生命 我的孩子 我的灵魂 我的自由 最后沉入海底的只剩下我的⻣头 你是真的听不到还是选择沉默着装聋 它声嘶力竭呐喊着尝试和我们沟通 你看这一幕幕的画面能否感到心疼 它们何尝不像人类一般可爱且温柔
I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more
Everybody kneels down at my feet Everybody wants fame and money Everybody gets a lot of wishes Everybody submits to me Everybody kneels down at my feet Everybody wants fame and money Everybody gets a lot of wishes Everybody submits to me
Vicious dog has fangs They're looking at the bones in front of them Greedy humans are so fat that their stomachs fall on the floor The talking snakes are beside the man and they are whispering sham The man who longs for power is still trying to get the sword
Fighting each other,attacking each other Biting each other to satisfy the hunger of desire Lying to each other, hiding from each other Contradict to each other for the selfish desire Judging each other,blaming each other Hurting each other to stay away from pain and the suffer Helping each other,respecting each other Complimenting each other to make yourself be kinder
Hey! That is mine ! You better not touch it ! That is mine I'm so hungry !Not enough! I want some more! Give me rice Do as I say! It's gonna be alright! Let me control your mind I want the power!Wanna judge!Wait live or die!
Everybody kneels down at my feet Everybody wants fame and money Everybody gets a lot of wishes Everybody submits to me Everybody kneels down at my feet Everybody wants fame and money Everybody gets a lot of wishes Everybody submits to me
Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want Face me,trust me,tell me What do you want
I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more I I want more I want more
Breaking outta cage I'm about to clean'em all 懦夫些run fast(快走开) 别再演了撕烂你的脏mask(面具) 快夹着尾巴做人是你接下来的concept(情景设定) 太猖獗 牛鬼蛇神表现得太猖獗 清理掉你们烧了你自以为是的章节 愤怒的公牛跟我很撞脸 小孩子不能看的戏码就在此刻上演 I've been waiting for this moment for so long 我走进这八角笼 让我看看还有谁敢上前
I've been waiting for this moment for so long 不可能会忘记失败给我带来过的痛 杀不死我的只会让我变得更strong(强壮) Now I'm back in here 正面对着山顶吹来的风 要拿回属于我的一切 看他们着急着发狂地叫 只要我还没有倒下 一定会让他们失望得睡不着觉 There's still a lot of enemy They wanna stop me 你们那些无用功快停止我真看不到 Show no more mercy I'm gonna clean'em all Show no more love 忏悔不会听你说 I'm reloaded I'mma about to hit'em up Tear you to pieces Let me see how you tough
Bet my everything to win this game 无法压制的怒火已进到心里面 看着你们这张心病了似的脸 快拼了命地演 演拼了命的犬 我们的攻击无差别 That's a hot 你醒来就会慢慢发觉 即将被我们给赶尽杀绝 眼睁睁地看着我们夺走猎物 在一旁流出了口水 嫉妒的脸 Ugly(丑陋)
Pain makes me feel so alive Even if I'm gonna lose I will take my everything to fight 很多人都劝我不要这么愤怒 但是当我深陷困难的时候你们又怎么不在 I'm so good with it I can fight my own 我不需要任何人对我的施舍 I can fight my own Pull out sword in stone like King Author If you don't believe it Come and try me I clean'em all
演唱会音乐团队:Audio-Axis匠维音界 音乐/乐队总监:大迈MizarMin 编曲:大迈MizarMin/陈建平 键盘: 陈建平 吉他:赵勤 贝斯:努尔扎提 鼓手:王斌 PGM:王导 录音:周震南/大迈MizarMin 录音室:敬畏音乐 交响乐总监:大迈MizarMin/范弘民 交响乐&合唱团:布达佩斯交响乐团 交响乐录音:布达佩斯交响乐团工作室 交响乐录音监制:Norvin Tu Wang@L.A.Orchband/范弘民/大迈MizarMin/Jaimee Park 交响乐乐器编排:Norvin Tu Wang@L.A.Orchband/范弘民/Jaimee Park 混音:张平 母带:Zane@Vintage Age Studio 专辑企划:小金发发/吕聪 企划总监:倪毅 监制:辛志宇 OP/SP:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 音乐制作:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 出品/母带版权公司:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 【未经著作权人许可 不得翻唱翻录或使用】
[00:00.00] 作词 : 周震南 [00:01.00] 作曲 : 周震南 [00:02.00] 制作人 : 大迈MizarMin [00:03.00] 「Die now,or love forever+F.F.F+Save+Red+?+52hz的鱼+Desire+Revelation」 [00:25.30]「Die now,or love forever」 [00:29.79] [00:30.02]I wanna hide with you [00:34.58]Don't leave me alone [00:38.36]Let me die in your arms [00:43.90]But if the love isn't true [00:48.01]I will find the truth [00:52.69]Give my heart to you [00:57.01] [01:43.51]「F.F.F」 [01:43.73] [01:43.90]I think I'm confused [01:44.75]My deepest soul is fading and disappearing [01:46.86]Two people talking [01:47.67]One showed me how to love [01:48.86]Another one told me 'You gotta clean them' [01:49.83]That's why people called them [01:51.16]Angel and demon [01:51.73]Good versus evil [01:52.37]I'm afraid to face them [01:53.28]I'm suffering [01:54.14]That's what happened [01:54.92]Every night I have been tortured by pain [01:56.55]‘We should try to give people more love’ [01:57.89]‘Not my business, …’ [01:59.29]‘We don't have any right to judge’ [02:00.96]‘He's definitely trying to make up a lie for us’ [02:02.46]‘I’m good with the quit and strove with none’ [02:04.54]‘I’ll be the greatest…’ [02:05.59]‘I don't care the money and the fame’ [02:07.17]‘I'm gonna buy the fancy clothes drive the fastest cars’ [02:08.55] [02:08.95]More than 700 days [02:09.93]I've been taking a long rest but I feel more tired [02:12.92]Tryna calm but sometimes art's come from my anger [02:15.99]I believe in … [02:16.97]Always showing love but I know I'm a liar [02:18.99]Tryna control violence in my head [02:20.76]But still wanna clean that … [02:22.25]Have you ever doubted your faith? [02:23.64]And tryna raise a few questions? [02:25.74]God hath leaden feet, but iron hands [02:27.27]That's why I'm confused [02:28.57]All I see is a lot of people their own life has been taken [02:32.06]I'm not a Christian but for somehow I'm praying [02:35.03] [02:36.42]I'm praying [02:38.50]For everybody [02:40.37]For you [02:41.25]For me [02:42.37]For someone who's pure and has loyalty [02:45.22]I'm praying cuz I know it [02:47.61]People gotta show their true love forever [02:53.74] [02:59.94]Ok I'm done I feel calm [03:01.89]Just wanna ask you something [03:03.54]Things you've told me, I found it [03:05.32]But why is that all wrong? [03:07.07]I'm confused [03:07.89]I wonder why the truth is gone [03:09.60]When I need someone to save me [03:11.97]Why don't you respond? [03:13.11]Now you blame me for I'm losing soul and faith [03:15.79]Tell me what's the price for being a human I gotta pay [03:18.93]I'm not done yet [03:19.99]I know there's something beautiful I gotta find it [03:22.36]I don't believe in destiny [03:23.75]There's only judge and punish [03:25.55] [03:55.95]如果要杀死一个人 [03:56.98]只能选择用一种凶器 [03:58.16]让他带着愧疚活着会比利刃更加锋利 [04:00.92]选择逃离将我自己封闭 [04:02.57]仅存的善意正审视着我并发出抗议 [04:05.02]蜷缩在那沙发边的缝隙 [04:06.87]等待着倒计时 [04:07.74]等待着最后被迫放弃 [04:09.86]面对这突如其来的痛击 [04:11.19]我无法接受现实 [04:12.29]此刻显得无比抗拒 [04:13.42]盯着破碎不堪的屏幕 [04:14.52]投影出我做错的脸 [04:15.72]深呼吸以后 [04:16.47]习惯性地闭上我没落的眼 [04:18.05]安慰自己 [04:19.13]人性有错落的面 [04:19.86]戒不掉的懦弱 [04:20.72]我一次又一次堕落地捡 [04:22.44]默默地演 [04:23.41]演一条落魄的犬 [04:24.46]种种行为都幼稚得像是个未破的茧 [04:26.79]没兑现过的言 [04:27.75]没能赶上最后一面 [04:28.54]算来算去后悔是否来得太过多了点 [04:31.01]所以 我试着去弥补这些事呢 [04:33.10]去习惯被人怒吼 [04:34.54]去习惯被人弃舍 [04:35.34]去习惯被人遗忘 [04:36.46]去习惯无能为力 [04:37.38]想要保护她 [04:38.04]奈何我只是个可悲的戏子 [04:40.06]是的 [04:40.83]我全部通通记得 [04:41.85]曾经选择忘记的 [04:42.86]我现在选择记得 [04:44.39]我现在把我自己剖开 [04:45.76]希望你感到赤诚而不是感到赤裸 [04:48.27] [04:56.92]我曾经讲出谎言 [04:57.92]试图躲入那些个假话 [04:59.22]我曾经想要得到同情 [05:00.12]把多处的痛苦夸大 [05:01.28]我曾经眼睁睁地看着多数的人被打压 [05:03.58]我曾经目睹这一切后做多数人做的哑巴 [05:05.75]我曾经面对珍视的事说不 [05:07.03]说无伤大雅 [05:07.95]后来也会想方设法去拖住某一个刹那 [05:09.97]我曾经为了让她开心说出编出的大话 [05:12.25]最后没能兑现她告诉我说 没事的 傻瓜 [05:14.60]曾经逃避那些挫折把错误怪罪给爸爸 [05:16.65]曾经把愤怒的情绪过度地带给了妈妈 [05:18.78]曾经看着她痛哭后 [05:19.78]被错付的情绪夹杂 [05:21.07]他们看我的眼神 [05:21.80]从充满爱意到充满了害怕 [05:23.38]讲到这些犯过的错 [05:24.61]泪流得不止 [05:25.48]我无法挽回这一篇篇 [05:26.42]无法回头的故事 [05:27.43]每一次叫醒自己告诫自己 [05:28.77]最后也如此 [05:29.92]讲出些伪善的借口 [05:30.72]随后又感到很无耻 [05:31.89]我的神啊 [05:32.82]我无法分清我的善伪 [05:34.20]但是你能否听到我的这一句句忏悔 [05:36.79]每一次失去后来的反悔 [05:38.51]这马后炮的嘴脸现在让我感到反胃 [05:40.93]很惭愧 [05:41.63]我真心感到惭愧 [05:43.06]躲在角落不敢面对的我像个残废 [05:45.76]Wake up wake up wake up and fight [05:48.03]我不想他们再次为了我悲伤而含泪 [05:50.11] [06:22.95]「Save」 [08:26.57] [08:26.76]我还在等一个救赎 [08:27.78]但到现在还没等到 [08:29.00]窒息感快让我呕吐 [08:30.17]映衬着他们的冷笑 [08:31.88]看着这模糊的字迹 [08:32.82]我以为全都是自欺 [08:34.08]就在我即将要“窒息” [08:35.08]我突然间抓住了自己 [08:36.23]把无关全部都屏蔽 [08:37.20]找到我自己的频率 [08:38.56]经历的一切的一切 [08:39.36]就算很痛苦还是会铭记 [08:40.76]脱下了“沉重的刑具” [08:42.08]不去管他们曾给我的评语 [08:43.24]就当是病句 [08:44.31]悄悄地抹开了脸上的泪水 [08:45.56]去控制我此刻很激动的情绪 [08:46.78]I gotta focus,focus on my thing [08:48.18]把这些经历都写下来给他们听 [08:49.62]如果有天他们陷进低谷 [08:50.76]鼓励他们咬碎牙也要前进 [08:52.14]收起那些自负收起那些嫉妒 [08:53.50]收起那颗受刺激的心 [08:54.57]希望他们记住 [08:55.40]只有你自己才能够“救自己的命” [08:57.32]Like I told you I'll win and do the toast [09:00.06]虽然懦弱也在一直试图掐住我的喉 [09:02.41]那就闭上眼睛双手合十扣紧我的手 [09:05.07]不是要祈求上帝而是要去跟着内心走 [09:07.53] [09:28.89]双手被利剑染成血红色 [09:31.14]充满愤怒的戏子红脸唱得不出色 [09:33.90]Show no mercy [09:35.06]I'mma taste your blood [09:36.46]无用的怜悯早已被我亲手给埋了 [09:39.37]All this time y'all been eatin' long enough [09:41.70]Let me take over this now I'm in charge [09:44.61]Boy you so boring [09:45.57]I ain't with y'all [09:47.09]I ain't with y'all [09:48.76]Cuz y'all ain't do it for the love [09:49.64]I'm gonna fight,gonna fight [09:52.07]Bet my everything and fight till I die [09:54.53]All my family and friends are by my side [09:57.39]All y'all enemies go home and cry [10:00.16]Prairie fire [10:01.21]I can't lose [10:02.39]One man army I don't need a crew [10:05.12]Drop out everything now I'm the bulletproof [10:07.82]Be a legend or nobody which you gonna choose? [10:14.86]Be a legend or nobody which you gonna choose? [10:19.56] [11:17.95]「Red」 [11:18.15] [11:18.31]请原谅我无能的暴怒 [11:19.55]曾几何时伤害到你 [11:21.86]请原谅我自大的抱负 [11:23.38]头也不回地走到底 [11:25.38]请原谅我搪塞的套路 [11:27.71]说在忙 没看到消息 [11:29.08]原谅我缺少的关心与照顾 [11:31.07]没能为你遮挡住暴雨 [11:33.33]请原谅我没能够留意到 [11:34.66]岁月在你脸上留下的烙印 [11:36.81]请原谅我如今才理解到 [11:38.95]错过后来不及痛心的教训 [11:41.10]原谅我非常的较劲 [11:43.12]拥有的爱全部耗尽 [11:44.67]爱我的人们都不太敢靠近 [11:46.54]可能这就是我应得的报应 [11:48.33] [11:48.94]曾经你问过我 [11:49.82]孩子 怎么会变成了这样 [11:52.65]如果我还能再来一次 [11:53.99]我希望就没来过这趟 [11:56.48]我高举着自由的牌子 [11:58.13]怒吼出愚蠢的倔强 [12:00.13]一句句质问 [12:00.76]我清晰地记得在那通电话里你哭得很绝望 [12:04.01]幸好我穿过了这一层迷雾最终我看到了家 [12:07.51]你拍了拍我身上布满的灰尘 [12:10.08]问我摔得疼吗 [12:11.63]可能也只有你在意 [12:13.89]你的爱无法被代替 [12:15.34]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [12:17.06]那埋在我心里面已久的爱意 [12:22.97]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [12:24.53]那埋在我心里面已久的爱意 [12:30.59]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [12:32.19]那埋在我心里面已久的爱意 [12:34.53] [12:34.84]请原谅我没能够听见 [12:36.21]那停留在你内心痛苦的悲鸣 [12:38.57]请原谅我没能够看透你 [12:40.23]用欢声笑语去掩盖的泪印 [12:42.27]请原谅我曾经的自私 [12:43.87]忽略了你的感受和你给予的爱 [12:46.44]请原谅我蠢得不自知 [12:47.58]不懂得爱别人嘴边却倡议着爱 [12:50.32]原来你也会有痛苦 [12:52.17]原来你也会有失落 [12:53.95]原来你也会在夜晚时偷偷地哭泣后向自己示弱 [12:57.73]原来你也会有胆怯 [12:59.85]原来你也会有迷茫 [13:01.51]原来你也跟我一样 [13:02.82]害怕着突然地想起也害怕那突然的遗忘 [13:05.49] [13:05.71]曾经你跟我说 [13:06.49]孩子 希望你别感到自卑 [13:09.33]遇见你我何等的幸运 [13:10.97]我又有什么资格去自卑 [13:12.95]我知道你一直很在意 [13:15.31]你的爱无法被代替 [13:16.75]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [13:18.40]那埋在我心里面已久的爱意 [13:24.33]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [13:26.16]那埋在我心里面已久的爱意 [13:31.93]希望那微风能代替我捎去 [13:33.58]那埋在我心里面已久的: [13:35.53]爱你 [13:36.35] [14:52.93]「?」 [14:53.13] [14:53.30]What you living about? [14:54.39]What you fighting about? [14:55.37]What you talking about? [14:56.47]Then what you doing right now? [14:57.49]What you hiding about? [14:58.54]Who do you lying on now? [14:59.67]You said you happy right now? [15:00.68]Then what you crying about ? [15:01.92]What are you afraid of right now? [15:02.91]Afraid of losing your crown? [15:03.97]Afraid of losing everything ? [15:04.90]Afraid of living like clown? [15:06.07]How much do you want now? [15:07.12]You said it's enough right now [15:08.20]Then what the pack are you suffering about? [15:09.89]为什么我们总是习惯在欲求不满的生活里面 [15:12.01]漫无目的地渴望寻找着慰藉 [15:14.75]为什么不能为了忠于自我信念 [15:16.62]保护爱的事物跟欲望站对立 [15:20.51]Cause Nietzsche said it [15:19.13]How to get rid of the pain quickly? [15:20.92]Die now or love forever [15:22.01]That's what I believe [15:22.97]The way how I live [15:24.02]You know what I mean [15:24.49]I never regret it [15:25.27]我始终相信 [15:26.03]Love can fight everything [15:27.56]Back in the days [15:28.57]I wanna take it back in the days [15:29.58]Turn on the time machine take us back in the days [15:31.39]那时我们总是习惯歌颂他人的美 [15:33.30]以最大的善意去理解包容他人的累 [15:35.43]可能这些问题我也没有办法给出答案 [15:37.79]略带矛盾的话语会显得措辞有些杂乱 [15:39.90]一边保持着冷静一边又被疯狂给拉断 [15:42.25]一边顺应着一边又带着希望发出呐喊 [15:44.46] [15:44.92]I'm gonna fight till you see me [15:47.36]I'm gonna let you believe me [15:49.25]I'm gonna try my best and help you to find the answer find the truth [15:51.89]In that time you'll join me [15:53.59]I'm gonna fight till you see me [15:55.77]I'm gonna let you believe me [15:57.74]I'm gonna try my best and help you to find the answer find the truth [16:00.35]In that time you'll join me [16:02.02] [16:03.78]「52hz的鱼」 [17:19.25] [17:19.43]I'm swimming in the sea,just like a fish,just like a fish [17:28.51]I'm swimming in the sea,with nobody [17:37.22]I'm swimming in the sea,just like a fish,just like a fish [17:46.46]I'm swimming in the sea,with nobody [17:52.65] [18:00.20]我看见烛光却落荒逃进了网 [18:02.62]我负隅顽抗却听见有人在鼓掌 [18:04.61]我无法挣脱 瞬间变成刺猬的模样 [18:07.07]滑稽的哀嚎声在海平面上回荡 [18:09.34]紧接着 从前的美好全部都变了样 [18:11.74]贪婪的嘴脸 出现在了他们脸上 [18:13.69]他说的那些现在看来有一点荒唐 [18:16.03]保护花朵只是一种来自善良的臆想 [18:18.40] [18:18.59]我看着玻璃对面的人 玻璃对面的人看我 [18:20.83]我们谁是观赏物 谁又是参观者 [18:23.01]转个圈吐个泡你是否会把食物给我 [18:25.60]我想要回家 这句话你是否愿意听呢 [18:28.68]什么时候能离开这里 不想每天装作开心 [18:32.00]如果说有一天我也无法再把你们逗笑了 [18:34.26]那是不是就能够证明我不听话呢 [18:36.58] [18:36.78]你今天吃了什么 理所应当的盛宴 [18:38.74]我今天吃了什么 塑料加废弃的电池 [18:41.35]鱼鳞渐渐全部褪成了易拉罐碎片 [18:43.52]头上绑着的是黑色塑料袋和铁线 [18:46.86]渐渐地双眼无法看清 [18:49.10]渐渐地无法继续呼吸 [18:51.39]渐渐地将一切都忘记 [18:53.88]慢慢地沉入海底 [18:54.97] [19:04.10]What do you want from me? [19:05.49]What do you need from me? [19:06.44]我会变成什么 [19:07.14]鱼油肥料还是sushi(寿司) [19:08.48]但我的身体充满垃圾早已变成废墟 [19:10.80]每一个角落都留下了你们的印记 [19:13.03]你夺走我的一切 [19:14.03]我的家园 我的亲人 [19:15.35]我的爱人 我的同伴 [19:16.37]我的回忆 全部都被你夺走 [19:18.03]我的生命 我的孩子 [19:19.11]我的灵魂 我的自由 [19:20.28]最后沉入海底的只剩下我的⻣头 [19:22.44]你是真的听不到还是选择沉默着装聋 [19:24.83]它声嘶力竭呐喊着尝试和我们沟通 [19:27.18]你看这一幕幕的画面能否感到心疼 [19:29.37]它们何尝不像人类一般可爱且温柔 [19:31.78] [19:32.80]请不要再将我们关里面 [19:34.76]不要再将垃圾丢海里面 [19:36.95]不要再让我和家人分开 [19:39.19]不要继续假装听不到Listen(听) [19:41.15] [19:41.38]「Desire」 [19:41.58] [20:30.72]I want more I I want more [20:33.78]I want more I I want more [20:36.93]I want more I I want more [20:39.90]I want more I I want more [20:43.05]I want more I I want more [20:46.11]I want more I I want more [20:49.13]I want more I I want more [20:52.20]I want more [20:53.35] [20:55.90]Everybody kneels down at my feet [20:57.12]Everybody wants fame and money [20:58.55]Everybody gets a lot of wishes [20:59.98]Everybody submits to me [21:01.65]Everybody kneels down at my feet [21:03.28]Everybody wants fame and money [21:04.99]Everybody gets a lot of wishes [21:06.56]Everybody submits to me [21:07.66] [21:08.59]Vicious dog has fangs [21:09.40]They're looking at the bones in front of them [21:11.51]Greedy humans are so fat that their stomachs fall on the floor [21:14.59]The talking snakes are beside the man and they are whispering sham [21:17.52]The man who longs for power is still trying to get the sword [21:20.19] [21:20.38]Fighting each other,attacking each other [21:21.35]Biting each other to satisfy the hunger of desire [21:23.16]Lying to each other, hiding from each other [21:24.69]Contradict to each other for the selfish desire [21:26.19]Judging each other,blaming each other [21:27.64]Hurting each other to stay away from pain and the suffer [21:29.28]Helping each other,respecting each other [21:31.03]Complimenting each other to make yourself be kinder [21:32.24] [21:32.53]Hey! That is mine ! You better not touch it ! That is mine [21:35.16]I'm so hungry !Not enough! I want some more! Give me rice [21:38.45] Do as I say! It's gonna be alright! Let me control your mind [21:41.35]I want the power!Wanna judge!Wait live or die! [21:44.37] [21:45.59]Everybody kneels down at my feet [21:46.94]Everybody wants fame and money [21:48.39]Everybody gets a lot of wishes [21:49.99]Everybody submits to me [21:51.49]Everybody kneels down at my feet [21:53.00]Everybody wants fame and money [21:54.44]Everybody gets a lot of wishes [21:55.99]Everybody submits to me [21:57.19] [21:57.61]Face me,trust me,tell me [21:59.88]What do you want [22:00.64]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:02.41]What do you want [22:04.11]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:05.71]What do you want [22:06.81]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:08.97]What do you want [22:13.72]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:15.40]What do you want [22:16.13]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:18.23]What do you want [22:19.15]Face me,trust me,tell me [22:21.30]What do you want [22:25.35] [22:47.13]I want more I I want more [22:49.89]I want more I I want more [22:53.00]I want more I I want more [22:56.04]I want more [22:57.49] [22:59.77]「Revelation」 [23:28.66] [23:36.15]Breaking outta cage [23:37.27]I'm about to clean'em all [23:38.13]懦夫些run fast(快走开) [23:39.45]别再演了撕烂你的脏mask(面具) [23:41.12]快夹着尾巴做人是你接下来的concept(情景设定) [23:43.55]太猖獗 牛鬼蛇神表现得太猖獗 [23:46.00]清理掉你们烧了你自以为是的章节 [23:48.67]愤怒的公牛跟我很撞脸 [23:51.10]小孩子不能看的戏码就在此刻上演 [23:53.62]I've been waiting for this moment for so long [23:55.90]我走进这八角笼 [23:57.04]让我看看还有谁敢上前 [23:58.70] [23:58.90]I've been waiting for this moment for so long [24:00.67]不可能会忘记失败给我带来过的痛 [24:03.02]杀不死我的只会让我变得更strong(强壮) [24:05.63]Now I'm back in here [24:06.47]正面对着山顶吹来的风 [24:08.15]要拿回属于我的一切 [24:09.39]看他们着急着发狂地叫 [24:10.55]只要我还没有倒下 [24:11.67]一定会让他们失望得睡不着觉 [24:13.06]There's still a lot of enemy [24:14.69]They wanna stop me [24:15.71]你们那些无用功快停止我真看不到 [24:18.17]Show no more mercy [24:19.34]I'm gonna clean'em all [24:20.58]Show no more love [24:22.30]忏悔不会听你说 [24:23.34]I'm reloaded [24:24.24]I'mma about to hit'em up [24:25.62]Tear you to pieces [24:26.77]Let me see how you tough [24:28.78] [25:07.65]Bet my everything to win this game [25:08.97]无法压制的怒火已进到心里面 [25:11.63]看着你们这张心病了似的脸 [25:14.01]快拼了命地演 [25:15.03]演拼了命的犬 [25:16.75]我们的攻击无差别 [25:18.32]That's a hot [25:18.92]你醒来就会慢慢发觉 [25:20.91]即将被我们给赶尽杀绝 [25:23.16]眼睁睁地看着我们夺走猎物 [25:25.18]在一旁流出了口水 [25:26.19]嫉妒的脸 Ugly(丑陋) [25:27.29] [25:28.04]Pain makes me feel so alive [25:30.10]Even if I'm gonna lose I will take my everything to fight [25:32.45]很多人都劝我不要这么愤怒 [25:34.17]但是当我深陷困难的时候你们又怎么不在 [25:37.25]I'm so good with it [25:38.23]I can fight my own [25:39.40]我不需要任何人对我的施舍 [25:41.24]I can fight my own [25:42.48]Pull out sword in stone like King Author [25:44.92]If you don't believe it [25:45.93]Come and try me [25:46.74]I clean'em all [25:47.94] [28:03.97] 演唱会音乐团队:Audio-Axis匠维音界 [28:04.18] 音乐/乐队总监:大迈MizarMin [28:04.39] 编曲:大迈MizarMin/陈建平 [28:04.60] 键盘: 陈建平 [28:04.80] 吉他:赵勤 [28:05.01] 贝斯:努尔扎提 [28:05.22] 鼓手:王斌 [28:05.43] PGM:王导 [28:05.64] 录音:周震南/大迈MizarMin [28:05.84] 录音室:敬畏音乐 [28:06.05] 交响乐总监:大迈MizarMin/范弘民 [28:06.26] 交响乐&合唱团:布达佩斯交响乐团 [28:06.47] 交响乐录音:布达佩斯交响乐团工作室 [28:06.68] 交响乐录音监制:Norvin Tu Wang@L.A.Orchband/范弘民/大迈MizarMin/Jaimee Park [28:06.88] 交响乐乐器编排:Norvin Tu Wang@L.A.Orchband/范弘民/Jaimee Park [28:07.09] 混音:张平 [28:07.30] 母带:Zane@Vintage Age Studio [28:07.51] 专辑企划:小金发发/吕聪 [28:07.72] 企划总监:倪毅 [28:07.92] 监制:辛志宇 [28:08.13] OP/SP:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 [28:08.34] 音乐制作:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 [28:08.55] 出品/母带版权公司:哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 [28:08.76] 【未经著作权人许可 不得翻唱翻录或使用】