1迷离幻夜谈 The Crepuscule Zone
2回魂夜 Night of Thrills
3骑士文学 Chivalric Romances
4常看常新的故事 A Story That Never Grows Dull
5庸与神的冠冕 Crown of the Mundane and Divine
6阮声落华裳,梅出似点妆 Transcendent Ruan Tunes, Blushing Mei Blooms
7万物生 In All Does Life Flow
8愚不可及 Supreme Idiocy
9永火一夜:第33场 A Night of Ever-Flame: Scene 33
10旧梦重温 A Revisiting of Past Dreams
11摇篮曲 Lullaby
12太平临新岁 Harmony Greets the New Year
13欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.1 Welcome to Dreamville!
14欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.2 Welcome to Dreamville!
15欢迎来到美梦小镇!Part.3 Welcome to Dreamville!
16独角戏 Monodrama
17花火:幕后纪录 Sparkle: Behind the Curtain
18你的颜色 Your Color
19虚谭•浮世三千一刀缭断 Kyoden: A Cleave Across the Transient World
20永劫轮舞 Rondo Across Countless Kalpas
21狂热奔向深渊 Into the Yawning Chasm
22一起出去玩嘛! Wanna Go Have Some Fun!
原神-灼火之心 Blazing Heart
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
1Blazing Heart (伴奏)
2众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
3随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
4奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
5铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
6为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
7灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
8幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
9一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
10沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation