Rich Dark: 凝望着山谷的罪 风证明她还在 I feel like PTSD 知晓炼狱是否解开 ready now peace un ready now fighting un 雄鹰冲破牢笼 照亮同片天空 守望着答案 点燃那火焰就是唯一区别 他们狡辩着言论 喷出的口沫咄咄逼人 I don't care 可闪耀的却是飞蛾 but question how you feel I m trust how u feel I m trust how u feel 皎洁的月 会一直在 远处的灯火会闪烁未来 我会问先祖痛过的财富 是否能忘记伤疤的存在 where can the shoe spin where can the shoe spin When will the peace come wake up Rich Dark 子拉 真相在这山谷里面 wait wait loyalty will come wait wait loyalty will come wait wait I feel alive I feel alive