1Farnaby: Fantasia
2The Flatt Pavan - Can Shee
3Anonymous: Alman, Irishe Dumpe, Watkins Ale, A Gigge (Byrd)
4Inglott: The Leaves Bee Greene
5Philips: Amarilli di Julio Romano
6Philips: Galiarda Passamezzo
7Peerson: Alman, The Primerose, The Fall of the Leaf
8Farnaby: Tower Hill, A Masque, A Toye
9Philips: Pavana
10Philips: Galliardo
11Munday: Robin
12Anonymous: Nowels\'s Galliard
13Farnaby: Giles Farnaby\'s Dreame, His Rest, Farnabye\'s Conceit, His Humour
14Byrd: John come kisse me now
15Byrd: The Queenes Alman
16Bull: In Nomine
17Bull: Fantasia
18Philips: Pavana Pagget, Galliarda
19Byrd: Pavana Delight, Galliarda
20Byrd: La Volta, Alman, Wolseys Wilde, Callino Casturame, La Volta
21Tisdall: Pavana Clement Cotton
22Farnaby: Loth to Depart