1九彻生识 Novatio Novena
2无余灰断 Ashes of Anupadhisesa
3旋蓝之舞 Whirling of Vairambhaka
4妙净明心 Serene Contemplation
5琼花映蕊 Immaculate Ardency
6世谛从缄 Language of Eternity
7思接千载 Cogitation of Epochs
8薄晓的重光 By the Dawn's First Radiance
9骄阳炽燎 Fervent Flare
10晴霜的信风 Sunfrost Breeze
11天途迢遥 Empyrean Stairway
12草偃风从 Whisper of Verdure
13止极雨散 In the Wake of Rain
14暖云猫迹 Cat's Cosy Course
15绮縠纷披 Resplendent Couture
16虚与实的秘言 Illusory Truth
17幻光漫戏 Lustrous Trick
18蹑影追风 Chasing the Wind
19寒晶的遐梦 Frigid Reverie
20潮音流奏之日 Eleusis Dicis Gratia
21古海复涌之时 Parousia Diluvi
22深水的格律 Sonnet of Profundity
23霜烈竞逐 Nippy Bout
24索实逐真 Veritas Numquam Perit
25众生颂 Chantons a plusieurs
26邀欢同游 Se mettre sur son trente-et-un !
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
崩坏星穹铁道-飞来波的圣状(下篇)The Flapper Sinthome Disc2
原神-沉玉沐芳 Jadeite Redolence
原神-炽炎交逐之原 Land of Tleyaoyotl
崩坏星穹铁道-行于命途3 Experience the Paths Vol.3
原神-珍珠之歌4 The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4
1契 - Resonance(伴奏)
2Nameless Faces (英文和声伴奏)
3何者 (中文和声伴奏)
4何者 Nameless Faces (伴奏)
7未来再见 (Instrumental)
8第八交响曲「千日同升」 Symphony No.8 “A Thousand Suns”
9坚我苦弱血肉 Infirma Nostri Corporis
10欢呼响彻云霄 Hosanna in Excelsis