1下一站,银河! Next Stop, the Stars!
2来,拍照啦! Let's Take a Photo!
3你的选择 Your Choice
4引爆在即! The Cusp of Ignition!
5致将启程的你 To You Who Will Soon Depart
6太空喜剧 Space Comedy
7天干物燥 In Torrid Heat
8锋寒砺淬 Tempered Chill
9追星星的人 Star Chaser
10以朗道之名 In the Name of Landau
11一夜无事 Uneventful Night
12有关星空的寓言集•其一 Fables About the Stars Part 1
13飞光 A Flash
14天地为枰 Heaven and Earth as a Chessboard
15银河漫游 Galactic Roaming
16有点意思 Got a Date
17行者明誓 The Traveler And His Oath
18仙骸有终 Even Immortality Ends
19死兆将至 Death Approaches
20戏剧性反讽 A Dramatic Irony
21耶佩拉叛乱 The Jepella Rebellion
22天镜映劫尘 Celestial Eyes Above Mortal Ruins
23神策府总司一切大小事务将军 General of All Affairs at the Seat of Divine Foresight
24归去来 The Prodigal's Return
25五龙远徙 Exodus of the Five Dragons
26玄黄 Ichor of Two Dragons
27法眼无遗 Omniscia Spares None
28掌中宇宙 Grasp the Stars
29冬梦激醒 Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream
30说剑 On Swords
31剑出无回 Swordward
32甄选、规划和机遇 Selection, Planning, and Opportunity
33专家教学 Expert Tutorial
原神-灼火之心 Blazing Heart
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
1Blazing Heart (伴奏)
2众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
3随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
4奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
5铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
6为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
7灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
8幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
9一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
10沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation