副歌 Ay,who? Is that you? 你系每晚,对我窥探 Is that true? 匿系角落,打住算盘 我系度估 Now,maybe one day 你行出嚟,向我打招呼,听你讲住 Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti What? Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti What? Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti 噢,nice to meet you too 你向我打住招呼 Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti You too Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti Huh,nice to meet you too
副歌 Ay,who? Is that you? 你系每晚,对我窥探 Is that true? 匿系角落,打住算盘 我系度估 Now,maybe one day 你行出嚟,向我打招呼,听你讲住 Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti What? Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti What? Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti 噢,nice to meet you too 你向我打住招呼 Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti You too Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti Huh,nice to meet you too
[00:01.138]作词:瘦恒SoulHan [00:02.667]作曲:瘦恒SoulHan [00:03.496]编曲:Cwin [00:05.338]混音&母带:CccJ [00:07.140] [00:14.389]你系我所做嘅,背后动力 [00:16.305]每一日都同你相视 [00:17.623]无论几多歧义,最后达成共识 [00:19.957]因为我地系最相似 [00:21.245]同样嘅喜怒哀乐,行为举止 [00:23.005]口里讲出同样嘅句子,同你同样 [00:25.295]每次我嘅内心出现,矛盾 [00:26.761]我地同时出现,之后互相对峙 [00:28.311] [00:28.637]你用潜意识过嚟管我,嘅本我 [00:30.267]生成一个入世嘅自我 [00:32.041]又以防 ,我过得蹉跎 [00:33.400]就派超我,对我督促 [00:34.541]以防其他人,赶超我 [00:35.840]对于嗰啲刁难我,过嚟笑我 [00:37.586]你叫我,一笑而过 [00:39.063]但我却发现,你好耐无笑过 [00:40.797]身边嘅朋友系多左,但兄弟却少左 [00:43.067] [00:43.355]每次登台前系后台,同你注目片刻 [00:45.943]都会赐予我力量 [00:46.876]我拎起米高峰嚟企上台去,呐喊 [00:48.701]属于我地两个人之间嘅默契 [00:50.557]为左见到你面上嘅愉悦 [00:51.871]我唯有把障碍不断逾越 [00:53.289]有好多人承受唔到你嘅指示 [00:54.654]最后选择自我了结 [00:55.791]但我唔再系个little kid [00:58.384]I’m grown man我地好好议事,唔再了事 [00:59.486] [00:59.918]呢个系我对你饶舌,嘅第几小时 [01:01.465]当你系我battle对手,我年少时 [01:03.328]呢一句嘅内心独白,我需要mute beat [01:05.108]旁人见我对住块镜,自言自语 [01:07.019]当摸住我嘅心口,感受你嘅心跳 [01:09.228]嘘..唔使讲太多,呢位镜中人我地心照 [01:11.941] [01:12.239]副歌 [01:12.650]Ay,who? [01:14.471]Is that you? [01:16.434]你系每晚,对我窥探 [01:18.059]Is that true? [01:20.073]匿系角落,打住算盘 [01:21.684]我系度估 [01:23.477]Now,maybe one day [01:25.183]你行出嚟,向我打招呼,听你讲住 [01:27.965]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [01:29.533]What? [01:30.027]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [01:31.256]What? [01:31.859]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [01:33.206]噢,nice to meet you too [01:35.309]你向我打住招呼 [01:36.991]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [01:38.618]You too [01:39.390]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [01:40.472]Huh,nice to meet you too [01:43.187] [01:57.206]想去你嘅世界感受 [01:59.062]我向左,你向右 [02:00.790]如果你唱《向左向右》 [02:02.605]你嘅动作系向右向左 [02:04.560]好难同你握手 [02:06.406]我伸咗手,系右手 [02:08.092]你向我伸出左手 [02:10.018]好似哥哥,调乱左右 [02:11.370] [02:11.761]我系间房,私人空间 [02:13.304]但照镜见到你,转眼变公共空间 [02:15.666]镜隔系你我中间,我想冲入嚟同你共餐 [02:19.158]是否有个平行宇宙,时间是否有尽头 [02:22.706]系里面睇外面,系咪表里不一我迫不及待进入 [02:25.967] [02:26.272]你系我嘅,内在映射,外在反射 [02:28.000]妖魔鬼怪系你面前打回原形 [02:29.877]你,照出左奸邪 [02:30.826]当我落魄,你表情会叹息 [02:32.586]当我开心,你笑容好杀食 [02:34.501]为左你睇起身,更加省镜 [02:36.307]洗去你面上嘅灰尘,我用清水省镜 [02:38.573]好多人想自己上镜 [02:39.857]但又唔中意比对方哎佢照下块镜 [02:42.036] [02:42.509]佢唔愿承认镜中嘅佢系佢 [02:45.040]更愿相信,镜头下滤镜嘅佢系佢 [02:47.806]现实同镜像,太混乱 [02:49.475]你见到嘅“佢”未必系“佢” [02:50.836]镜中人,通过块镜,睇到众生 [02:53.255]只要镜中人系度,你仲在生 [02:54.990] [02:55.272]副歌 [02:55.627]Ay,who? [02:57.284]Is that you? [02:59.029]你系每晚,对我窥探 [03:00.801]Is that true? [03:02.823]匿系角落,打住算盘 [03:04.543]我系度估 [03:06.005]Now,maybe one day [03:07.757]你行出嚟,向我打招呼,听你讲住 [03:10.695]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [03:12.087]What? [03:12.702]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [03:13.925]What? [03:14.513]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [03:15.757]噢,nice to meet you too [03:17.901]你向我打住招呼 [03:19.570]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [03:21.368]You too [03:22.159]Uoy teem ot ecin yllaer si ti [03:23.160]Huh,nice to meet you too