1Euphoric Ride 逸兴欢跃
2Let's Get Started! 飞车出发啦!
3Bustling Bazaar 市阛繁漫
4Flanerie sur le marche 遐游香榭
5Soothing Nightfall 夜静更阑
6Eventide Caprice 暮夜绮想
7Triumph of Mirth 欢笑的凯旋
8Cheerful March 畅舒的行歌
9Blissful Little Ditty 谐惬的俚曲
10Chirping With Glee 适趣的韵调
11Voyage of the Black Crystal 黑水晶的远航
12Fantastical Fairytale 森萃的幻戏
13Soothing Slumber 澄寂的蜃梦
14Pensees tranquilles 褪淡的思眷
15Les tendres souhaits 轻绎的柔愿
16Astral Chime 星芒若铃
17Dreamlike Reflection 清梦幽思
18Journey by the Moonlight 月露之行
19The Owls' Nocturne 鸱枭孤歌之夜
20Towers of Afrasiab 登临幽悄之塔
21Foregone Depiction 悠远的绘染
22Distant Portrayal 遥天的图景
23Moment of Conflict 险峙之刻
24Dream of White Branches 白枝之梦
25With Witty Wit 趣求法乐
26Sipping in the Soft Breeze 柔风浅酌
27Sanctuary for the Sick 杏林静憩
28Tipsy Poetry 浮白载笔
29Melody of Utsava 无忧的曲调
30Descendants of Deshret 赤砂的承守
31Dance of Sabzeruz 花与梦的祝诞
32Note of Calamity 灾咎之音
33Foreboding Beat 祸兆之律
34Unrequited Yearning 虚愿难遂
35Eccentric Reception 诡越趋迎
36Hyakuin of Blossoming Mirage 花镜百韵
37Moment of Tribulation 末劫末见之刻
38Smiting Scope 窥间伺隙
39Crumbling Sands 炽砂的崩坼
40Whisper of Weinlesefest 归风的轻语
41Parcener of Heptas 七荣的嗣世
42Two Hearts Rejoice 况复两心同
43The Moving Finger Writes 指动字成
44Inebriation of Raghs-e-Nilou 莲光的流沔
45Trifaria Conscientia 三时三觉
46All in One, All in Vain 一空一切空
47Heart of Yuugen 幽玄有心
48Remembrance of Akitsu 秋津的思忆
49The Blaze Lilies 桃枝火鳞
50First Blossom of Spring 寒木春华
51The Name is Legion 其名为群
52Serenade of the Distant Realm 遥世的夜歌
53Occluded Blight 缄锁的灾沴
54Love Is in the Air 风念月思
55Heliacal Path 煌绚的旅路
56Glowing Embers 初火的残辉
57Purposeful Purity 白草的决彻
58Pulse of Spring 春脉如弦
59Coronation of Providence 正识的荣冕
60A Pensive Sigh 余叹远昔
61Chasing Starlight With You 共逐星华
62Crystalline Reverie 清晶的绮梦
63Dharana Iaksana 诸相忆念
64Invokation Game 召唤王的决意
65Voyage Suite 千景巡歌
66Polumnia Omnia (Performance Version) 三千娑世御咏歌 (演绎版)
67Virtuous Guardian 空谷皎皎
68The Final Feast 致终幕的欢宴
原神-灼火之心 Blazing Heart
原神-遥古喁望之阳 Eternal Sun, Eternal Want
原神-闪耀的群星5 The Stellar Moments Vol. 5
崩坏星穹铁道-洞穴寓言(上篇)Allegory of the Cave (Part 1)
原神-青灯玉砚 Azure Lantern, Jade Inkstone
崩坏星穹铁道-不乱不破 No Dazzle, No Break
1Blazing Heart (伴奏)
2众灵的迷戏 Maze of Spirits
3随行逐飞 Stage's Coach
4奉炽火以希望 Tumaini washa moto
5铸锥之刻 Shaping the Struggle
6为一切战争的终结 To the End of All Wars
7灼夜之泪 Tears of a Scorching Night
8幽愿难释 Unanswered Yearning
9一别如羽 As the Feather Falls
10沦蛰的缅忆 Hoary Hibernation