After party, we go a long way around the city. (派对过后,我们绕远路,在城市里散步。) You breathe a sigh of relief, the night is freezing. (你呼一口白气,黑夜凝成了一团。) I tell a story, it happened years ago in birthplace. (我向你述说过去,儿时发生的故事。) You slowly move your body get closed to me. (你移动身体的同时,缓缓向我靠近。) Then I sing a song you tell me. (那时,我为你唱着一支歌,曾有人以那歌倾诉——) The man who steal your time is left on the beach. (偷走了漫长时光的那人被永远留在了那片海滩上。) We used to see our white feathers falling down. (我们曾看着彼此软弱的羽翼从夜空中散落,开始各自远行。) Before the day wake up in the morning, we have to give a reason for the missing. (在新的一天来临前,我们又该如何面对必须丢掉的过去。) When I walk alone again down the street, the light above fade away. (当我再次独自走在这孤单的街道,头顶的月光将被时间遗忘。)
Then I sing a song you tell me. (那时,我为你唱着一支歌,曾有人以那歌倾诉——) The man who steal your time is left on the beach. (偷走了漫长时光的那人被永远留在了那片海滩上。) We used to see our white feathers falling down. (我们曾看着彼此软弱的羽翼从夜空中散落,开始各自远行。) Before the day wake up in the morning, we have to give a reason for the missing. (在新的一天来临前,我们又该如何面对必须丢掉的过去。) When I walk alone again down the street, the light above fade away. (当我再次独自走在这孤单的街道,头顶的月光将被时间遗忘。)
After Party…… After Party…… After Party…… After Party……
[00:17.94] After party, we go a long way around the city. [00:24.26] (派对过后,我们绕远路,在城市里散步。) [00:24.79] You breathe a sigh of relief, the night is freezing. [00:28.68] (你呼一口白气,黑夜凝成了一团。) [00:32.75] I tell a story, it happened years ago in birthplace. [00:39.41] (我向你述说过去,儿时发生的故事。) [00:39.67] You slowly move your body get closed to me. [00:44.30] (你移动身体的同时,缓缓向我靠近。) [00:46.45] Then I sing a song you tell me. [00:52.33] (那时,我为你唱着一支歌,曾有人以那歌倾诉——) [00:54.02] The man who steal your time is left on the beach. [01:00.22] (偷走了漫长时光的那人被永远留在了那片海滩上。) [01:00.82] We used to see our white feathers falling down. [01:08.55] (我们曾看着彼此软弱的羽翼从夜空中散落,开始各自远行。) [01:09.81] Before the day wake up in the morning, we have to give a reason for the missing. [01:16.33] (在新的一天来临前,我们又该如何面对必须丢掉的过去。) [01:17.78] When I walk alone again down the street, the light above fade away. [01:26.36] (当我再次独自走在这孤单的街道,头顶的月光将被时间遗忘。) [01:56.46] [01:58.70] 独白:觉得好闷嘅星期六party, [01:59.65] 路灯下男女影子纠缠, [02:03.18] 只得我同你先走, [02:07.45] 未到转弯嘅路口, [02:10.28] 你话:“不如撞翻下一部洒水车再分开啦。” [02:14.50] 我话:“都好啊,唔好带埋D怨气返屋企。” [02:20.80] 从瑞金二路一直行到苏州河北, [02:26.58] 多数事情都记不清啦, [02:29.17] 只记得果日系星期六, [02:34.28] 洒水车直到朝早五点先至出现。 [02:36.65] [02:37.05] (译:觉得好闷的星期六party, [02:37.36] 路灯下男女影子纠缠, [02:37.67] 只有我同你先走, [02:37.96] 未到转弯的路口, [02:38.14] 你说:“不如遇到下一辆洒水车再分开啦。” [02:38.38] 我说:“都好啊,不要带上些怨气回家。” [02:38.67] 从瑞金二路一直走到苏州河北, [02:40.94] 多数事情都记不清啦, [02:41.23] 只记得那天是星期六, [02:41.58] 洒水车直到早晨五点才出现。) [02:42.43] [02:43.04] Then I sing a song you tell me. [02:47.02] (那时,我为你唱着一支歌,曾有人以那歌倾诉——) [02:50.25] The man who steal your time is left on the beach. [02:55.16] (偷走了漫长时光的那人被永远留在了那片海滩上。) [02:57.73] We used to see our white feathers falling down. [03:04.65] (我们曾看着彼此软弱的羽翼从夜空中散落,开始各自远行。) [03:05.63] Before the day wake up in the morning, we have to give a reason for the missing. [03:12.14] (在新的一天来临前,我们又该如何面对必须丢掉的过去。) [03:14.35] When I walk alone again down the street, the light above fade away. [03:21.20] (当我再次独自走在这孤单的街道,头顶的月光将被时间遗忘。) [03:23.72] [03:24.18] After Party…… [03:24.69] After Party…… [03:25.16] After Party…… [03:25.72] After Party…… [03:32.61] [03:40.34] 独白:喂,我同你讲啊 [03:43.41] 我地今日公司团建啊,其实呢,我唔系好想去嘅。 [03:49.55] 但是我唔系整日同你讲起个女仔嘅,佢今日都会去喔。 [03:56.47] 我平时有留意到佢噶,佢好钟意紫色嘅野,紫色嘅衫,紫色嘅花。 [04:03.33] 所以我前日都去买咗件紫色嘅西装,你话佢会不会估到我D心意咧? [04:10.37] 好啦唔讲啦,我部车来了,收线啦,拜。 [04:14.01] [04:14.43] (译:喂,我和你讲啊 [04:14.64] 我们今天公司团建啊,其实呢,我不是很想去的。 [04:14.89] 但是我不是整天和你说起那个女孩子吗,她今天也会去喔。 [04:15.09] 我平时有留意到她,她好喜欢紫色的东西,紫色的衣服,紫色的花。 [04:15.37] 所以我前天也去买了件紫色的西装,你说她会不会猜到我的心意呢? [04:17.72] 好啦不讲啦,我的车子到了。挂了,拜。 ) [04:18.164] 主唱Lead vocal/电钢琴Electric Piano/风琴Organ:罗媛瑗(圈圈) [04:19.256] 电吉他Electric Guitar/合成器Synthesizer:邓博伦BlackreDSpirit [04:20.348] 贝斯Bass:刘学家 [04:21.440] 鼓Drum:杜马千春 [04:22.532] 和声编写Backing vocal arranger:罗媛瑗(圈圈) [04:23.624] 和声Backing vocal:罗媛瑗(圈圈)、邓博伦BlackreDSpirit、刘学家、杜马千春 [04:24.716] 念白(女声)Narration (Female):罗媛瑗(圈圈) [04:25.808] 念白(男声)Narration (Male):九日@闷饼 [04:26.900] 配唱指导:张叶蕾、Eric Gu [04:27.992] 自然采样:罗媛瑗(圈圈)、Eric Gu [04:29.084] 录音棚Recording studio: Cashmere Studio [04:30.176] 录音师Recording engineer: 范晔@Cashmere Studio、袁雄宇@Cashmere Studio [04:31.268] 执行监制Executive Producer:董晓峰 [04:32.360] 立体声&空间音频工作室Stereo Audio & Spatial Audio Studio:RSS Studios [04:33.452] 立体声&空间音频混音Stereo Audio & Spatial Audio mixing engineer: 张步若Buruo Zhang@RSS Studios [04:34.544] 立体声&空间音频母带处理Stereo Audio & Spatial Audio mastering engineer: 张步若Buruo Zhang@RSS Studios [04:35.636] 视觉设计Vision Designer:李春银桑 [04:36.728] 出品公司Production company:太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司 [04:37.820] 录音版权归属Recording rights: 太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司 [04:38.912] 词曲OP:上海桃好文化有限公司 [04:40.004] 词曲SP:华纳盛世音乐版权代理(北京)有限公司Warner Chappell Music Publishing Agency (Beijing) Ltd.