1周日晚上离开 leaving on sunday night
2雨停了 rain stopped
3一席话 words
4学习机 learning machine
5小只鹦鹉 small parrot
6万宁冲浪 surfing in wanning
7甜味白开水 sweet water
8所有航班延误 all flights delayed
9去个新地方 new place
10清醒梦 lucid dream
11巧克力拿铁 chocolate latte
12泡泡浴 bubble bath
13末班地铁 last train
14猫薄荷 cat mint
15冷萃 cold brew
16抠橡皮 picking rubber
17剧荒 nothing to watch
18回头就在 always be there
19黑白卡通 black and white cartoons
20电梯偶遇 elevator encounter
21大扫除 cleaning
2212楼 12th floor
23半家便利店 half family mart
24伯爵茶 earl grey
25脚印 footprint
26没有闹钟 no alarm clock
27檀香 sandalwood
28午饭后 after lunch
29金汤力 gin tonic
30绿皮书 green book
31气球 baloon
32无力感 powerlessness
33芝士蛋糕 cheese cake
解压助眠学习音乐 lofi chill study music
Selfie照骗 Remixes
1芝士蛋糕 cheese cake
2无力感 powerlessness
3气球 baloon
4绿皮书 green book
5金汤力 gin tonic
6午饭后 after lunch
7檀香 sandalwood
8没有闹钟 no alarm clock
9脚印 footprint
10伯爵茶 earl grey