1Duck Tales - The Moon
2Metal Gear - Beginning
3Goonies 2 - Unknown World
4Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Overworld 1
5Spartan X - Playing
6Rygar - Unknown Place
7Gumshoe - Stage 1
8Adventures of Lolo - All 3 Lolo Mix
9Mega Man - Elec Man
10Tiger Heli - Playing
11Castlevania 2 - Mansion
12Life Force - Stage 3
13Probotector - Stage 1
15Punch Out - Title
16Gremlins 2 - Stage 1
17Blaster Master - Stage 2, 3, 4 Mix
18Super Mario Bros 2 - Underworld
19Goonies 2 - Room
20Zelda 2 - Cave
21Double Dragon 2 - Stage 1
22Metroid - Ending
23Faxanadu - First Town
24R.C. Pro Am - Racing
25Adventures of Bayou Billy - Stage 1
26Legend of Zelda - Ganon's Castle
27Mega Man - Dr. Wily Stage 1
28Tetris - Playing (3 Songs Mix)
30Rygar - Unknown Place 2
31Guardian Legend - Title
32Bubble Bobble - Playing
33Shadow Warriors - Stage 1
34Kid Icarus - Last Stage & Boss
35Chip 'N' Dale's - Title & Stage 1
36Snake Rattle 'N' Roll - Playing
37Bart vs The Space Mutants - Playing
38Metal Gear - Inside The Building
39Cobra Triangle - Boss
40Mega Man - Bomb Man
41Goonies 2 - Unknown World 2
42Zelda 2 – Town
43Super Mario Bros 2 - Ending
44Faxanadu - Travelling
45Castlevania 2 - Dracula & His Castle
46Legend of Zelda - Ending
47Section Z - Playing
48Phantasy Star - Medusa Cave & N
49Wonder Boy 3 - The Last Dungeon
50Golvellius - World 1 [SEGA]
51Y's - World [SEGA]
52Psycho Fox - Stage 1 [SEGA]
53Miracle Warriors - World [SEGA]
54Alex Kidd in Miracle World - Pl
55Phantasy Star - World of Palma
56Wonder Boy 3 - Monster Town [SEGA]
57Golvellius - Ending [SEGA]
58Chris - Life Force (Stage 3 Remix)
마녀 OST
G.B.C CAMP 2020 in SAYO (2024 Remaster)
TVアニメ『君のことが大大大大大好きな100人の彼女』第2期 イメージソングアルバム ”恋太郎ファミリー歌謡祭”
미스터트롯3 진선미 스페셜 컴필레이션
<언더커버> Episode 10
미스터트롯3 결승전 베스트
1Ordinary Daily Life
2I'll Prove It
3A Lonely Girl
5Coincidence And Variables
6The Girl Who Lost Her Smile
7The Girl Labeled A Witch
8Darkness In Memory
9Dongjin’s Not Giving Up
10Sensitive Analysis