1Rygar - 1st Area
2エリア1 [超惑星戦記 メタファイト]
3Life Force - Stage 1
4Punch Out - Boxing
5Metroid - Brinstar
6Kid Icarus - World 1
7Super Mario Bros - Overworld Theme
8Legend of Zelda - Title Theme
9Kid Icarus - Castle
10Rygar - 2nd Area
11Castlevania - Stage 1
12Clu Clu Land - Playing
13Duck Tales - The Amazon
14Life Force - Stage 2
16Rygar - Underground Cave
17Wizards and Warriors - Title Theme
18The Goonies 'R' Good Enough
19Punch Out - You Got A Password
20Zelda 2 - Castle
21Stage 1 - Hicksville [GUN SMOKE]
22Rush 'N' Attack - Stage 1
23Ice Climber - Title & Play
24Super Mario Bros 3 - Stage 1
25Kid Icarus - World 2
26Metroid - Kraid's Hide
27Castlevania 2 - First Town
28Balloon Fight - Balloon Trip
29Legend of Zelda - Outworld
31Super Mario Bros - Castle
32Castlevania - Stage 3
33Double Dragon - Stage 1
34Mega Man - Cut Man
35Ghost 'N' Goblins - Stage 1
36Kid Icarus - Boss
37Super Mario Bros - Underworld
39Shadowgate - Castle Entrance
40Castlevania 2 - Daylight
41Mega Man 3 - Spark Man
42Wizards & Warriors - Stage 1
43Donkey Kong Jr - Playing
44Legend of Zelda - Castle
45Track & Field 2 - Selection Screen
46Castlevania 3 - Unknown Stage
47Snake Rattle 'N' Roll - Stage 1
48Zelda 2 - Outworld
49Life Force - Stage 6
50Metal Gear - Ending
51Wrecking Crew - Playing
52Castlevania - Stage 5
53Mega Man 2 - Wood Man
54Gradius - Stage 1
55Rush 'N' Attack - Unknown Stage
57Zelda 2 - Ganon's Castle
58Super Mario Bros - Swimming
59Castlevania 2 - Ending
60Shadowgate - Ending
PERSONA LIVE TOUR 2024 -more ahead-
미스쓰리랑 베스트 SPECIAL PART3
폭싹 속았수다 OST from the Netflix Series
그놈은 흑염룡 OST
마녀 OST
G.B.C CAMP 2020 in SAYO (2024 Remaster)
1부초같은 인생(MR)
4봉선화 연정(MR)
5인생은 물레방아(MR)
6부초같은 인생
9봉선화 연정
10인생은 물레방아