作词 : Marshall Mathers "This mother****er, man..." "It's ridiculous, I can't believe it!—Oh, hold on a minute. Em..." "What up?" "Have a seat. Dre, I'll call you back." "What now?" "I don't even know where to start..." "Okay...?" "I got the album from upstairs..." "And..." "And this, is by far, the most..." "...incredible thing... I've ever... heard..."
[00:00.000] 作词 : Marshall Mathers [00:00.591] "This mother****er, man..." [00:03.717] "It's ridiculous, I can't believe it!—Oh, hold on a minute. Em..." [00:08.026] "What up?" [00:08.372] "Have a seat. Dre, I'll call you back." [00:11.937] "What now?" [00:13.175] "I don't even know where to start..." [00:15.559] "Okay...?" [00:16.381] "I got the album from upstairs..." [00:18.961] "And..." [00:20.169] "And this, is by far, the most..." [00:27.880] "...incredible thing... I've ever... heard..."