I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
I really don't want to see her so sad 也不太希望看她在我面前失态 寂寞和冷落到底哪个比较厉害 她自言自语好像已经一个礼拜 她拥有美丽善良优雅气场 散发的光芒 可惜没人欣赏 经常会遗忘她还独自住在那个地方窥探着人间 再看看自己的身边 只有那rabbit在跟前 May be she need me love 或者更多 May be she need me love or not
I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
所谓的不食人间烟火 怎么说服自己可以不被寂静淹没 如果写成自传还是小说 那么内容又是什么 除了百无聊赖 对着镜子诉说 度过漫漫长夜白天似乎从没来过 她想要挣脱某些枷锁 但枷锁似乎也能给她带来某些快乐 奇怪的是所有问题都在变得扑朔迷离 能猜出谜底的只有她自己 May be she need me love 或者更多 May be she need me love or not
I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
混音MixingEngineer:Provoke 录音RecordingEngineer:TENG 录音室RecordingStudio:GINGA Records
作词 : TENG 作曲 : TENG 编曲Music Arrangement:Youngkimj
I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
I really don't want to see her so sad 也不太希望看她在我面前失态 寂寞和冷落到底哪个比较厉害 她自言自语好像已经一个礼拜 她拥有美丽善良优雅气场 散发的光芒 可惜没人欣赏 经常会遗忘她还独自住在那个地方窥探着人间 再看看自己的身边 只有那rabbit在跟前 May be she need me love 或者更多 May be she need me love or not
I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
所谓的不食人间烟火 怎么说服自己可以不被寂静淹没 如果写成自传还是小说 那么内容又是什么 除了百无聊赖 对着镜子诉说 度过漫漫长夜白天似乎从没来过 她想要挣脱某些枷锁 但枷锁似乎也能给她带来某些快乐 奇怪的是所有问题都在变得扑朔迷离 能猜出谜底的只有她自己 May be she need me love 或者更多 May be she need me love or not
I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon How i feeling feeling so lose nobody tell me how to do 或许你觉得她很高贵 但其实她会感到后悔 没人会给她一丝安慰 告诉她其实她很完美 I saw a beauty beautiful girl she is lonley on the moon
混音MixingEngineer:Provoke 录音RecordingEngineer:TENG 录音室RecordingStudio:GINGA Records