time has rolled under me like asphalt under car tires I am a thunder tree channeling lightning like church spires like roasting marshmallows on a campfire I keep turning your words around in my head but I still feel so raw how could you have said what you said? why not just burn me up instead? roll over me leave me for dead? how could you have said what you said? I feel nowhere near as special as a snowflake I invited you here just to wrestle you for ego’s sake drowning lakes are clear until they’re opaque with the sound of your own drowning breath I can still feel that veil of death fluttering how could you have said what you said….? sometimes sticks and stones would be kinder than all this mental chatter and words as we all know are not supposed to really matter it would be so much easier to blame the flame for our pain, to curse the wheel but it’s so much worse to know it’s simply how you feel nothing comes to us we didn’t beckon the only chance is now, there is no second in the end, we are just dust to dust, flecks on history’s screen we are nothing but loose memories what else are we trying to be? how could you have said what you said….?
time has rolled under me like asphalt under car tires I am a thunder tree channeling lightning like church spires like roasting marshmallows on a campfire I keep turning your words around in my head but I still feel so raw how could you have said what you said? why not just burn me up instead? roll over me leave me for dead? how could you have said what you said? I feel nowhere near as special as a snowflake I invited you here just to wrestle you for ego’s sake drowning lakes are clear until they’re opaque with the sound of your own drowning breath I can still feel that veil of death fluttering how could you have said what you said….? sometimes sticks and stones would be kinder than all this mental chatter and words as we all know are not supposed to really matter it would be so much easier to blame the flame for our pain, to curse the wheel but it’s so much worse to know it’s simply how you feel nothing comes to us we didn’t beckon the only chance is now, there is no second in the end, we are just dust to dust, flecks on history’s screen we are nothing but loose memories what else are we trying to be? how could you have said what you said….?