104.Mix with folk seasoning~民族调料的乱入
203.The taste of forest~山林之味
302.Ocean fleet strike!~海洋舰队出击!
401.Crayfish legend~小龙虾传奇
中华料理集 Vol.1
你的微笑>.the smile of you
阿修罗战纪~Asura Legacy
归乡-for Piano and Strings
1跳起比基舞~Begin the beguine
2杨涵-MinimaTune - Beauty and the Beast(Piano & Violin)
3Beauty and the Beast(accompaniment)
502.Ocean fleet strike!~海洋舰队出击!
603.The taste of forest~山林之味
7带我飞向月球~Fly me to the moon
804.Mix with folk seasoning~民族调料的乱入
9玛奇朵的探戈~Tango el macchiatto
10我要你~I want you