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March 26th

March 26th专辑

  • 作词 : 猛犸姑娘
    作曲 : 猛犸姑娘
    I remember that very first time 我还记得你第一次和我说话
    When you talked to me in one game we played 是我们在一起玩一场桌游
    Something happened before we knew it 一些事就那么悄然地发生了
    Who would thought we just clicked right away 谁能想到我们竟然一拍即合呢
    We’ve been total strangers for four years 我们做了四年的陌生人
    Even though we met everyday in class 虽然几乎每天都会在教室遇到
    I liked your voice and I never told you 我喜欢你的声音,但我从来没告诉过你
    Guess you noticed me too the day I sang 我猜那天我在课上唱歌时,你也留意到我了
    It’s meant to say goodbye when we first talked 我们第一次说上话的时候,本来是该说再见的
    instead we said hello and it never end 可我们说了声你好,把结束变成了开始
    Another four years has passed since that June night 距离那个六月的夜晚又过去了四年
    And here we are today with your birthday cake 我们仍在一起,在今天给你庆祝生日
    Happy birthday darling I want to pray 生日快乐亲爱的,我想祝祷
    You make it special it’s not just another day 你让每一天都不仅仅只是又一天
    Don’t ever doubt the meaning of being 永远别怀疑生命的意义呀
    You light the world up 你点亮了世界
    You light my world up 至少是我的世界
    I never got into a trouble like you 我从来没有惹过你这样的麻烦
    Everything just fell apart and rebuilt itself 一切在瞬间坍塌又自我重建
    Someone told me I should take a step back 有人告诫我应该刹车退后一步
    But it felt so right I can’t give us up 可那感觉太对,我怎么能放弃“我们”的可能呢
    Half sober with the courage of nowhere 半醉半醒之间不知从何涌上勇气
    I kissed you on the lips with all eyes on 我就在众目睽睽之下亲吻了你
    I could wake up as a fool the next day 也许第二天醒来我会成为一个笑话
    But never to regret I didn’t even say hey 但不会为我甚至没和你打声招呼而后悔
    Is there a more romantic encounter 还有比这更罗曼蒂克的相遇吗
    We just left everything behind our back 我们把一切抛在了身后
    You’re the craziest thing I made in life 你是我做过最疯狂的决定
    And now I can’t wait for more candle light 现在我等不及要为你点燃更多的生日烛火
    Happy birthday darling I want to pray 生日快乐亲爱的,我想祝祷
    You make it special it’s not just another day 你让每一天都不仅仅只是又一天
    Don’t ever doubt the meaning of being 永远别怀疑生命的意义呀
    You light the world up 你点亮了世界
    You light my world up 至少是我的世界
  • [00:00.000] 作词 : 猛犸姑娘
    [00:01.000] 作曲 : 猛犸姑娘
    [00:12.518]I remember that very first time 我还记得你第一次和我说话
    [00:17.251]When you talked to me in one game we played 是我们在一起玩一场桌游
    [00:22.012]Something happened before we knew it 一些事就那么悄然地发生了
    [00:26.759]Who would thought we just clicked right away 谁能想到我们竟然一拍即合呢
    [00:31.753]We’ve been total strangers for four years 我们做了四年的陌生人
    [00:36.512]Even though we met everyday in class 虽然几乎每天都会在教室遇到
    [00:40.995]I liked your voice and I never told you 我喜欢你的声音,但我从来没告诉过你
    [00:45.753]Guess you noticed me too the day I sang 我猜那天我在课上唱歌时,你也留意到我了
    [00:50.512]It’s meant to say goodbye when we first talked 我们第一次说上话的时候,本来是该说再见的
    [00:55.495]instead we said hello and it never end 可我们说了声你好,把结束变成了开始
    [01:00.000]Another four years has passed since that June night 距离那个六月的夜晚又过去了四年
    [01:05.004]And here we are today with your birthday cake 我们仍在一起,在今天给你庆祝生日
    [01:10.005]Happy birthday darling I want to pray 生日快乐亲爱的,我想祝祷
    [01:14.505]You make it special it’s not just another day 你让每一天都不仅仅只是又一天
    [01:19.248]Don’t ever doubt the meaning of being 永远别怀疑生命的意义呀
    [01:24.265]You light the world up 你点亮了世界
    [01:26.497]You light my world up 至少是我的世界
    [01:38.499]I never got into a trouble like you 我从来没有惹过你这样的麻烦
    [01:43.503]Everything just fell apart and rebuilt itself 一切在瞬间坍塌又自我重建
    [01:48.496]Someone told me I should take a step back 有人告诫我应该刹车退后一步
    [01:53.254]But it felt so right I can’t give us up 可那感觉太对,我怎么能放弃“我们”的可能呢
    [01:58.013]Half sober with the courage of nowhere 半醉半醒之间不知从何涌上勇气
    [02:02.502]I kissed you on the lips with all eyes on 我就在众目睽睽之下亲吻了你
    [02:07.755]I could wake up as a fool the next day 也许第二天醒来我会成为一个笑话
    [02:12.260]But never to regret I didn’t even say hey 但不会为我甚至没和你打声招呼而后悔
    [02:16.997]Is there a more romantic encounter 还有比这更罗曼蒂克的相遇吗
    [02:22.015]We just left everything behind our back 我们把一切抛在了身后
    [02:26.753]You’re the craziest thing I made in life 你是我做过最疯狂的决定
    [02:31.498]And now I can’t wait for more candle light 现在我等不及要为你点燃更多的生日烛火
    [02:36.515]Happy birthday darling I want to pray 生日快乐亲爱的,我想祝祷
    [02:40.995]You make it special it’s not just another day 你让每一天都不仅仅只是又一天
    [02:45.754]Don’t ever doubt the meaning of being 永远别怀疑生命的意义呀
    [02:50.511]You light the world up 你点亮了世界
    [02:53.000]You light my world up 至少是我的世界