作词 : Skys源 作曲 : 。。。 茶新沏,独坐案前细听飞花吹落雨Making the fresh tea, I sitting before the case and heard blowing rain fly 抚旧琴,一旁佳人浅笑秀手挽裙裾Touching the old piano, the beauty smiled alongside and her hand was to the side of her skirts 悠悠琴音拖着袅袅茶香不去Long sounds dragged the smell of the tea and refused to leave 枝头黄莺,歌唱开春新曲The orioles in the branches, were singing the new spring song 展白雪,良辰入画胜似千言和万语Showing the white snow, a painting of beautiful scene is worth thousands of words 点绛唇,造化神秀不敌With Rouged Lips, the nature is so strange that it don't disappear 卿烛下与俱With all the candles lit , I can be with you 点点墨香浸染朗朗书声不祛Little ink dyed the noise of reading aloud which refuse to remove 未央之夜,繁花悄然并举The night haven't gone to its middle, and flowers are quietly flowered 杯见底,即引一袭沁人花香以续Cup's bottom is going to be stand out, that is, and a fragrance is to continue, which is appeals to us 人已去,独坐却再无心绪My goddess have gone. Seated alone as a result of no mood 人已去She has forever gone 半痴半醉,月影碎缕Half drunk and half crazy, there is the shade of broken moon 恍惚中与你相互皆许In the trance ,we mutually permit one another 北珠峰之上,亚特兰之墟Over the North Mount Everest,in the ruins of Atlantis 皆不能使我退去Nothing can bring me backwards 半梦半醒,月影微曲Half asleep and half awake, there are the little song of the moon's shade 纵使烈火吞噬我身躯Even if the tremendous fire devours my body 心里住了你,我已然不惧As you have lived inside my heart, I'm no longer afraid of anything 时间流逝在无尽之宇Time passes by in the endless space 爱永续Love is forever 本以为,我能将青涩记忆付之一炬I thought, that I can put the sentimental memories into fire 不曾想,当初是怎样刻骨铭心之旅But never thought how unforgettable the journey was 原谅我最终选择决绝地离去Forgive me for finally choosing to leave 生而陌路,不如自此斩拒!We are bored with the different ways, I prefer to refuse you since now 只不过,无边愁绪只能对月独举However, only the moon can face the endless melancholy 很有趣,怎有如此心绪?So interesting, how can your mood be like this? 很有趣Interesting 茕茕孑立,独行踽踽I'm alone, as well as lonely 我深知世间万物皆虚I know the things are all empty 藏着真人心,带着假面具With real hearts hid ,I wear the false masks 这简直是一出悲剧!It's like a tragedy! 万事皆允,离群索居Everything permitting, I'll go outside to live 唯有窗前的一抹新绿Only a series of green is outside the window 饮一杯浊酒,叹一丝愁绪Drink a cup of liquor, and sigh a trace of melancholy 你不理解,我不在意you don't understand, so I don't mind. 半痴半醉,月影碎缕Half drunk and half crazy, there is the shade of broken moon 恍惚中与你相互皆许In the trance ,we mutually permit one another 北珠峰之上,亚特兰之墟Over the North Mount Everest,in the ruins of Atlantis 皆不能使我退去Nothing can bring me backwards 半梦半醒,月影微曲Half asleep and half awake, there are the little song of the moon's shade 纵使烈火吞噬我身躯Even if the tremendous fire devours my body 心里住了你,我已然不惧As you have lived inside my heart, I'm no longer afraid of anything 时间流逝在无尽之宇Time passes by in the endless space 爱永续Love is forever 问自己,是否准备开启孤独追寻之序Ask myself whether you are ready to start to run after the solitude or not 意难决,终究还是舍不掉七情和六欲My thought is difficult to settle, I can't give the seven emotions and six moods up 像一条只有五十二赫兹的鱼Like a fish with only fifty-two Hertz 苍茫大海,只为拥有一遇Within the vast sea, I only dream of an encounter with you
[00:00.000] 作词 : Skys源 [00:00.000] 作曲 : 。。。 [00:00.000]茶新沏,独坐案前细听飞花吹落雨Making the fresh tea, I sitting before the case and heard blowing rain fly [00:03.000]抚旧琴,一旁佳人浅笑秀手挽裙裾Touching the old piano, the beauty smiled alongside and her hand was to the side of her skirts [00:11.000]悠悠琴音拖着袅袅茶香不去Long sounds dragged the smell of the tea and refused to leave [00:16.000]枝头黄莺,歌唱开春新曲The orioles in the branches, were singing the new spring song [00:45.000]展白雪,良辰入画胜似千言和万语Showing the white snow, a painting of beautiful scene is worth thousands of words [00:51.000]点绛唇,造化神秀不敌With Rouged Lips, the nature is so strange that it don't disappear [00:56.000]卿烛下与俱With all the candles lit , I can be with you [00:57.000]点点墨香浸染朗朗书声不祛Little ink dyed the noise of reading aloud which refuse to remove [01:01.000]未央之夜,繁花悄然并举The night haven't gone to its middle, and flowers are quietly flowered [01:08.000]杯见底,即引一袭沁人花香以续Cup's bottom is going to be stand out, that is, and a fragrance is to continue, which is appeals to us [01:13.000]人已去,独坐却再无心绪My goddess have gone. Seated alone as a result of no mood [01:17.000]人已去She has forever gone [01:19.000]半痴半醉,月影碎缕Half drunk and half crazy, there is the shade of broken moon [01:22.000]恍惚中与你相互皆许In the trance ,we mutually permit one another [01:25.000]北珠峰之上,亚特兰之墟Over the North Mount Everest,in the ruins of Atlantis [01:28.000]皆不能使我退去Nothing can bring me backwards [01:31.000]半梦半醒,月影微曲Half asleep and half awake, there are the little song of the moon's shade [01:34.000]纵使烈火吞噬我身躯Even if the tremendous fire devours my body [01:36.000]心里住了你,我已然不惧As you have lived inside my heart, I'm no longer afraid of anything [01:39.000]时间流逝在无尽之宇Time passes by in the endless space [01:42.000]爱永续Love is forever [01:55.000]本以为,我能将青涩记忆付之一炬I thought, that I can put the sentimental memories into fire [02:00.000]不曾想,当初是怎样刻骨铭心之旅But never thought how unforgettable the journey was [02:06.000]原谅我最终选择决绝地离去Forgive me for finally choosing to leave [02:10.000]生而陌路,不如自此斩拒!We are bored with the different ways, I prefer to refuse you since now [02:41.000]只不过,无边愁绪只能对月独举However, only the moon can face the endless melancholy [02:47.000]很有趣,怎有如此心绪?So interesting, how can your mood be like this? [02:52.000]很有趣Interesting [02:53.000]茕茕孑立,独行踽踽I'm alone, as well as lonely [02:56.000]我深知世间万物皆虚I know the things are all empty [02:59.000]藏着真人心,带着假面具With real hearts hid ,I wear the false masks [03:02.000]这简直是一出悲剧!It's like a tragedy! [03:05.000]万事皆允,离群索居Everything permitting, I'll go outside to live [03:08.000]唯有窗前的一抹新绿Only a series of green is outside the window [03:10.000]饮一杯浊酒,叹一丝愁绪Drink a cup of liquor, and sigh a trace of melancholy [03:13.000]你不理解,我不在意you don't understand, so I don't mind. [03:19.000]半痴半醉,月影碎缕Half drunk and half crazy, there is the shade of broken moon [03:22.000]恍惚中与你相互皆许In the trance ,we mutually permit one another [03:26.000]北珠峰之上,亚特兰之墟Over the North Mount Everest,in the ruins of Atlantis [03:28.000]皆不能使我退去Nothing can bring me backwards [03:31.000]半梦半醒,月影微曲Half asleep and half awake, there are the little song of the moon's shade [03:34.000]纵使烈火吞噬我身躯Even if the tremendous fire devours my body [03:36.000]心里住了你,我已然不惧As you have lived inside my heart, I'm no longer afraid of anything [03:39.000]时间流逝在无尽之宇Time passes by in the endless space [03:42.000]爱永续Love is forever [04:06.000]问自己,是否准备开启孤独追寻之序Ask myself whether you are ready to start to run after the solitude or not [04:12.000]意难决,终究还是舍不掉七情和六欲My thought is difficult to settle, I can't give the seven emotions and six moods up [04:17.000]像一条只有五十二赫兹的鱼Like a fish with only fifty-two Hertz [04:22.000]苍茫大海,只为拥有一遇Within the vast sea, I only dream of an encounter with you