1Watusi tribal dance with chant
2Trolley bell #7
4Slow ram beat
5Ram beat #2
6Short drum roll
7Military drum roll #1
8Lujon - African percussion instrument
9Long military drum roll
10Koren temple blocks #3
11Koren temple blocks #1
12Harp #3
13Flag raising #2
14Female singing scale
15Fast perculator patter
16Dumbecki #1
17Congas #2
18Clock-mantle, tolling #3
19Clock-mantle, tolling #1
20Clock-mantle, quarter toll
21Clock-mantle, half hour (short 7)
22Clock-mantle, half hour #1
23Chinese gong #4
24Cherokee war dance drum beat
25Bongos #1
26bass drum
27African drums #1
28African drums #2
29Bell, church (long)
30Bell, church (short)
31Bongos #2
32Boom bam #1
33Cherokee war dance with chant
34Chinese gong #1
35Chinese gong #3
36Chinese gong #5
37Chinese gong #6
38Clock-mantle, half hour #4
39Clock-mantle, half hour #5
40Clock-mantle, half hour (short 6)
41Clock-mantle, hour toll whour chime #1
42Clock-mantle, hour toll whour chime #2
43Harp run #1
44Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #2
45Clock-mantle, tolling #2
46Clock-mantle, tolling #4
47Dumbecki #2
48Dumbecki #3
49Female descending scale
50Female singing the octiave
51Flag raising #1
52Glass-liqueur bottle, cork opened
53Glass-wine glasses in toast #2
54Harp #2
55Harp #4
56Koren temple blocks #2
57Koren temple blocks #5
58Koren temple blocks #6
59lujon roll
61Marimbula - Cuban instrument
62Navajo war drum
63Ram beat #1
65Tap dance steps #1
66Tap dance steps #2
67Tap dance steps #5
68Tap dancing #1
69Tap dancing #3
70Trolley bell #1 (front)
71Trolley bell #6
72Trolley bell #8
73Tympani long roll
74Trolley bell #9
75Tympani short cresendo #1
76Tympani short cresendo #2
77Asian tympani
78Block - perculator pater
79Block s- crecendo
80Bongos #3
81Military drum roll #2
82Glass-wine glasses in toast #1
83Harp run #2
84Harp #1
86Glass-liqueur bottle, opensqueak
87Salvation Army band #2
88Military march
89Clock-mantle, half hour (short 5)
90Clock-mantle, tolling (short 5)
91Salvation Army band #1
92Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #1
93Clock-mantle, tolling (short 4)
94Clock-mantle, half hour #3
95Congas #4
96Chinese gong #2
97Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #3
98Navajo war drum with chant
99Tap dance steps #3
100Train-crossing, warning bell #2
101Tympani roll #1
102Congas #3
103Trolley bell #2
104Clock-mantle, half hour #2
105Trolley bell #4
106Congas #1
107Koren temple blocks #4
108Train-crossing, warning bell #1
109Trolley bell #3
110Trolley bell #5
111Tap dance steps #4
112Congas #5
113Tympani up and down
114Tap dancing #2
115Tympani roll #2
116Tympani walking march
117Boom bam #2
118Bugle - first call
Essential Sound Effects - 3rd Edition
Essential Sound Effects - 2nd Edition
101 Sound Effects
Mystery Sound Effects
Combat and War Sound Effects
Space Invaders: Sound Effects from a Fantasy Space Mission
1Arms / Land Battle (Combattimento terrestre)
4Agua Llenando Bañera
5Abrir Y Cerrar Puerta Llave
6Moscas En Un Cristal
8Agua Vaciándose Bañera
10Música Persecución