1Crowd of 50 People Cheer, And Applaud in Congratulatory Fashion Take 5
4Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 5
6Crowd of 100 People Let out Hearty Burst of Laughter Take 2
8Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 1
9Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Reactionary Burst of Laughter 1
10Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Reactionary Burst of Laughter 2
11Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 6
12Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 7
13Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 8
14Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs with Male Giggle Take 1
15Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs with Male Giggle Take 2
16Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs with Male Giggle Take 3
17Crowd of 100 People Produce Short, Light Bursts of Laughter Take 2
19Crowd of 40 People Let out a Light Burst of Canned Laughs Take 1
20Crowd of 40 People Let out a Light Burst of Canned Laughs Take 2
21Crowd of 40 People Let out a Medium Burst of Canned Laughs 1
24Crowd of 50 People Begin to Steadily Applaud and End Enthusiastically Take 2
25Crowd of 30 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 3
26Crowd of 30 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 2
27Crowd of 50 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 3
42Crowd of 50 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 2
43Crowd of 30 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 1
45Crowd of 30 People Let out Small Quiet Burst of Applause Take 1
47Crowd of 40 People Let out Large Bursts of Canned Laughs Take 2
48Crowd of 40 People Let out a Medium Burst of Canned Laughs 3
49Crowd of 40 People Let out a Medium Burst of Canned Laughs 2
50Crowd of 40 People Let out a Light Burst of Canned Laughs Take 4
54Crowd of 100 People Let out Short, Light and Medium Bursts of Laughter
55Crowd of 100 People Produce Short, Light Bursts of Laughter Take 1
56Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs Take 2
57Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs Take 1
60Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 3
61Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 2
62Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 4
63Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 1
64Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 5
65Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 2
66Crowd of 100 People Let out Medium Burst of Laughs with Sparse Applause Take 2
71Crowd of 100 People Laugh Heartily and Steady with Surges Take 1
73Crowd of 50 People Have a Subdued, Steady and Sparse Laugh Take 2
74Crowd of 50 People Have a Subdued, Steady and Sparse Laugh Take 1
79Crowd of 50 People Have Short Subdued Burst of Laughter into a Long Subdued Giggle 1
80Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 8
81Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 6
82Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 4
83Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 3
90Crowd of 50 People Let out Sporadic and Sparse Laughs Take 2
92Crowd of 50 People Laughs and Applaud with a Wide Point of View
93Crowd of 50 People Let out Short Laugh with Sparse Applause Take 3
94Crowd of 50 People Let out Short Laugh with Sparse Applause Take 1
97Crowd of 50 People Cheer, And Applaud in Congratulatory Fashion Take 4
98Crowd of 50 People Cheer, And Applaud in Congratulatory Fashion Take 3
106Crowd of 50 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 1
107Crowd of 50 People Let out a Short, Polite Burst of Applause Take 4
109Crowd of 30 People Let out Small Quiet Burst of Applause Take 2
110Crowd of 50 People Begin to Steadily Applaud and End Enthusiastically Take 1
111Crowd of 30 People Let out Small Quiet Burst of Applause Take 3
113Crowd of 20, 000 People Begin to Steadily, Politely Applaud
117Crowd of 40 People Let out Large Bursts of Canned Laughs Take 1
119Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short, Light Burst of Laughs Take 3
120Crowd of 40 People Let out a Light Burst of Canned Laughs Take 3
121Crowd of 100 People Produce Short, Light Bursts of Laughter Take 3
122Mostly Male Crowd of 100 People Let out Short, And Light Surges of Laughter Take 1
124Crowd of 100 People Produce Short, Medium Bursts of Laughter
126Mostly Male Crowd of 100 People Let out Short, And Light Surges of Laughter Take 2
127Crowd of 100 People Let out a Large Laugh Reaction Take 2
131Crowd of 100 People Let out a Large Laugh Reaction Take 1
132Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 5
133Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Reactionary Burst of Laughter 3
134Crowd of 100 People React with Subdued, Steady and Sparse Applause
135Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 3
136Crowd of 100 People Let out Hearty Burst of Laughter Take 1
137Crowd of 100 People Let out a Short Burst of Laughter Take 4
138Crowd of 100 People Let out Medium Burst of Laughs with Sparse Applause Take 1
139Crowd of 100 People Laugh Heartily and Steady with Surges Take 3
141Crowd of 100 People Laugh Heartily and Steady with Surges Take 2
143Crowd of 50 People Have a Subdued, Steady and Sparse Laugh Take 3
145Crowd of 50 People Have Short Subdued Burst of Laughter into a Long Subdued Giggle 2
147Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 7
149Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 2
150Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 9
151Crowd of 50 People Have Single Medium Burst of Laughter Take 1
152Crowd of 100 People Let out Short Burst of Medium Intensity Laughter Take 6
154Crowd of 50 People Let out Sporadic and Sparse Laughs Take 1
155Crowd of 50 People Let out Sporadic and Sparse Laughs Take 3
157Crowd of 50 People Let out Short Laugh with Sparse Applause Take 2
158Crowd of 50 People Cheer, And Applaud in Congratulatory Fashion Take 2
159Crowd of 50 People Cheer, And Applaud in Congratulatory Fashion Take 1
2Subway Train Arrives with Long Brake Squeals and Rail Clicks and Stops Close to Mic
3Continuous Single Cicada Ratchet with Faint Bird in Background
4Victoria Train Station London in London with General Background and Activity
6Country Night Ambience with Crickets and Insects Chirping and Buzzing and Frogs Calling
8Marsh Ambience with Large Bed of High-Pitched Insect Hum, Light Chorus of Frogs and Intermittent Exo
10Large Subway Platform Wide Perspective with Train Arriving with Brake Groan and Air Hiss