(guccihighwaters) mom why you mad at me i swear try my best i know that she saw the broken blood vessels on my neck weight up on my shoulders i feel like atlas greek yogurt with the fruit damn gotta snap this she smokin packs ***** ziplock full of cat piss put on the ski mask slump you just for actin why you two faced trippin like a shoelace i sleep on it woke up and its a new day european stacks stuffed in my gucci suitcase i wanna drop out and its like only a tuesday mom why you mad at me i swear try my best i know that she saw the broken blood vessels on my neck drop this **** on a friday wake up with the sunrise october 13th its ******* cold outside but i dont mind i really dont mind cus the cold reminds me why i stay inside you punch the clock i punch the MIDI make it bop not makin much but its better than a job eating like a pig but i stay way from them cops used to starve up in that attic like an addict with some rock really i hate my voice how do you listen to this swear if u pissed inside a bucket it'd sound crisper than this whatever my stats rising hit me like perfect timing make the beat real quick notes app and get to typing why you mad at me i swear i try my best like all wanted was us to be together forever like i guess ill see u around this ******* ghost town we all ghosts now i'm a ghost now (guccihighwaters) mom why you mad at me i swear try my best i know that she saw the broken blood vessels on my neck
[00:04.440](guccihighwaters) [00:07.119]mom why you mad at me [00:09.077]i swear try my best [00:14.477]i know that she saw the [00:16.378]broken blood vessels on my neck [00:22.905]weight up on my shoulders [00:25.061]i feel like atlas [00:27.206]greek yogurt [00:28.133]with the fruit [00:29.248]damn gotta snap this [00:30.822]she smokin packs ***** [00:32.526]ziplock full of cat piss [00:34.760]put on the ski mask [00:36.504]slump you just for actin [00:38.871]why you two faced [00:40.356]trippin like a shoelace [00:42.441]i sleep on it [00:43.605]woke up and its a new day [00:45.970]european stacks [00:47.337]stuffed in my gucci suitcase [00:49.414]i wanna drop out and its like only a [00:52.098]tuesday [01:00.518]mom why you mad at me [01:02.339]i swear try my best [01:07.854]i know that she saw the [01:09.749]broken blood vessels on my neck [01:15.004]drop this **** on a friday [01:17.421]wake up with the sunrise [01:20.056]october 13th [01:21.689]its ******* cold outside [01:24.202]but i dont mind [01:26.197]i really dont mind [01:27.436]cus the cold reminds [01:29.085]me why i stay inside [01:31.262]you punch the clock [01:33.106]i punch the MIDI make it bop [01:35.715]not makin much [01:37.074]but its better than a job [01:38.913]eating like a pig [01:40.760]but i stay way from them cops [01:42.724]used to starve up in that attic [01:44.699]like an addict with some rock [01:46.364]really i hate my voice how do you listen to [01:49.273]this [01:49.989]swear if u pissed inside a bucket it'd [01:52.737]sound crisper than this [01:53.861]whatever my stats rising [01:56.082]hit me like perfect timing [01:57.861]make the beat real quick [01:59.738]notes app and get to typing [02:02.749]why you mad at me i swear i try my best [02:06.041]like all wanted was us to be together [02:08.434]forever [02:11.078]like i guess ill see u around this [02:14.971]******* ghost town [02:18.626]we all ghosts now [02:22.525]i'm a ghost now [02:25.104](guccihighwaters) [02:31.389]mom why you mad at me [02:35.154]i swear try my best [02:40.882]i know that she saw the [02:50.466]broken blood vessels on my neck [03:00.403]