全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 君と歌えば 和你一同歌唱的话 鸣羽: 時間を忘れ夢中になれたんだ 就能忘却时间沉醉其中 全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing たったひとつの 仅仅就此一样 琉璃: 神様に与えられた才能(おくりもの) 神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物) 小明:Oh~ 全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting(瑛) with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song
Connecting, Connecting(Mehee) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream
Connecting, Connecting(夏岚) with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life
鸣羽: Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 僕と歌おう 和我一同歌唱吧 小明: 時間を忘れ夢中になれるなら 能够忘却时间沉醉其中的话 nosa(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing それはきっとね 那就一定啊 明沙(夏岚和声): 神様に与えられた才能(おくりもの) 是神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)
全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 君に逢いたい 想要与你相遇
nosa(夏岚和声): 歌うこと教えてくれた君に 与教会了我歌唱的你
全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 一緒に歌おう 一同来歌唱吧
明沙(夏岚和声): 何もないけど君への言葉(おくりもの) 虽然微不足道但仍想给你的话语(礼物)
全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting(小明)with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting(夏岚) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream Connecting, Connecting (鸣羽)with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with you Connecting with you
琉璃:Once again
全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting (Mehee)with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song
Connecting, Connecting(明沙) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream
Connecting, Connecting(琉璃) with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life
Connecting with you Connecting with you
作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 小明(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 君に逢いたい 想要与你相遇 金时(夏岚和声): 歌うこと教えてくれた君に 与教会了我歌唱的你
全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 君と歌えば 和你一同歌唱的话 鸣羽: 時間を忘れ夢中になれたんだ 就能忘却时间沉醉其中 全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing たったひとつの 仅仅就此一样 琉璃: 神様に与えられた才能(おくりもの) 神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物) 小明:Oh~ 全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting(瑛) with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song
Connecting, Connecting(Mehee) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream
Connecting, Connecting(夏岚) with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life
鸣羽: Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 僕と歌おう 和我一同歌唱吧 小明: 時間を忘れ夢中になれるなら 能够忘却时间沉醉其中的话 nosa(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing それはきっとね 那就一定啊 明沙(夏岚和声): 神様に与えられた才能(おくりもの) 是神明大人所赋予的才能(礼物)
全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 君に逢いたい 想要与你相遇
nosa(夏岚和声): 歌うこと教えてくれた君に 与教会了我歌唱的你
全员(夏岚和声): Find a reason to sing Find a reason to sing 一緒に歌おう 一同来歌唱吧
明沙(夏岚和声): 何もないけど君への言葉(おくりもの) 虽然微不足道但仍想给你的话语(礼物)
全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting(小明)with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song Connecting, Connecting(夏岚) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream Connecting, Connecting (鸣羽)with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life Connecting with you Connecting with you
琉璃:Once again
全员(夏岚和声): Connecting, Connecting (Mehee)with your song Connecting, Connecting with your song
Connecting, Connecting(明沙) with your dream Connecting, Connecting with your dream
Connecting, Connecting(琉璃) with your life Connecting, Connecting with your life