作词 : 无 作曲 : 许可扬 时间到了 说吧 Tim s up,speak now 今天是几号了 Today is..... 十六号咯 16th 十六号 四月十六号 16th。April16 一九六零年四月十六日 April16,1960, 下午三时之前的一分钟 one minute before 3 PM 你跟我在一起 You are with me 因为你 我会记那一分钟 Because of you,I II remember that one minute 由现在开始我们就是一分钟朋友 From now on, we are friends for one minute 这一个是事实 你不容否认的 This is a fact you cannot deny 因为已经过去了 Because it's over 我明天会再来 I'll come back tomorrow 1961年4月12日 我终于来到我自己妈妈的家里 12 April 1961 I finally came to my mother's home 但她不肯见我 But she refused to see me 那些工人说她已经不再这里 The workers said she was no longer here 当我离开这个家的时候 When I left this house 我知道我是很后有一双眼睛看着我 I know I am very late and have a pair of eyes looking at me 然而我是不会回头的 However, I will not look back 我只不过想看看她 看看她的样子 I just wanted to see he Look at her 既然她不给我机会 Since she didn't give me a chance 我也不会给她这个机会 I will not give her this chance 我们认识了多久? How long have we known each other 很久了,忘了! For a long time, forget! 我表姐快结婚了 My cousin is getting married 是吗?替我恭喜她吧 Is it? Congratulations to her for me 她说结了婚之后 She said that after getting married 会搬去跟公公婆婆一起住 Will move to live with my parents - in - law 那是什么意思? What does that mean? 就是我要找地方搬了 I'm looking for a place to move 他有没有来过? 我问你 他有没有来过呀! Has he ever been here? I asked you if he had ever been here. 你以为不理我就可以吗? Do you think you can ignore me? 我知道你经常都有见他的 你为什么要这样下贱呀? I know you often see him Why are you so mean? 他已说了不要你啦 你怎么死缠着他不放? He has said no to you Why do you cling to him? 你说够了没有? Have you slept enough 现在他不要你了 不就回家哭吧! Now that he doesn't want you, go home and cry. 为什么要告诉我呀? Why did you tell me? 我不想知道他原来不是对我最不好 I don't want to know that he wasn't the worst to me 亦都不是对你特别好呀! Also is not particularly good to you! 你不要碰我! Don't touch me! 他对每个女人都是一样的罢了 He is the same to every woman 这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能够一直的飞,飞累了就睡在风里,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那一次就是死亡的时候。
作词 : 无 作曲 : 许可扬 时间到了 说吧 Tim s up,speak now 今天是几号了 Today is..... 十六号咯 16th 十六号 四月十六号 16th。April16 一九六零年四月十六日 April16,1960, 下午三时之前的一分钟 one minute before 3 PM 你跟我在一起 You are with me 因为你 我会记那一分钟 Because of you,I II remember that one minute 由现在开始我们就是一分钟朋友 From now on, we are friends for one minute 这一个是事实 你不容否认的 This is a fact you cannot deny 因为已经过去了 Because it's over 我明天会再来 I'll come back tomorrow 1961年4月12日 我终于来到我自己妈妈的家里 12 April 1961 I finally came to my mother's home 但她不肯见我 But she refused to see me 那些工人说她已经不再这里 The workers said she was no longer here 当我离开这个家的时候 When I left this house 我知道我是很后有一双眼睛看着我 I know I am very late and have a pair of eyes looking at me 然而我是不会回头的 However, I will not look back 我只不过想看看她 看看她的样子 I just wanted to see he Look at her 既然她不给我机会 Since she didn't give me a chance 我也不会给她这个机会 I will not give her this chance 我们认识了多久? How long have we known each other 很久了,忘了! For a long time, forget! 我表姐快结婚了 My cousin is getting married 是吗?替我恭喜她吧 Is it? Congratulations to her for me 她说结了婚之后 She said that after getting married 会搬去跟公公婆婆一起住 Will move to live with my parents - in - law 那是什么意思? What does that mean? 就是我要找地方搬了 I'm looking for a place to move 他有没有来过? 我问你 他有没有来过呀! Has he ever been here? I asked you if he had ever been here. 你以为不理我就可以吗? Do you think you can ignore me? 我知道你经常都有见他的 你为什么要这样下贱呀? I know you often see him Why are you so mean? 他已说了不要你啦 你怎么死缠着他不放? He has said no to you Why do you cling to him? 你说够了没有? Have you slept enough 现在他不要你了 不就回家哭吧! Now that he doesn't want you, go home and cry. 为什么要告诉我呀? Why did you tell me? 我不想知道他原来不是对我最不好 I don't want to know that he wasn't the worst to me 亦都不是对你特别好呀! Also is not particularly good to you! 你不要碰我! Don't touch me! 他对每个女人都是一样的罢了 He is the same to every woman 这世界上有一种鸟是没有脚的,它只能够一直的飞,飞累了就睡在风里,这种鸟一辈子只能下地一次,那一次就是死亡的时候。